Chapter 16!

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Okay this is not going to have any larry in it! :( sorry!!! :'( it's just going to be Ashlea and Nialls date. So u won't miss anything if u don't read this! :) so this is for u ash cuz u wanted me to update ur guys date so much.

Ashlea's pov

Niall turns to me "what was that for?" He laughs.

" Idk it's my friends!"I blush.

When we get in the car Niall hands me a blindfold. "Ummm what is this for?"

"Just put it on, I want where we are going to be a a secret." Niall smiles.

"Are you going to rape me or something!" I ask laughing

"Maybeeee maybe not." He says mysteriously

"Ummm" I laugh say.

"No,not really I was just kidding!" He laughs.

"Okay then?" I say questionably

I put the blindfold on and the car starts up.

The car ride was cool cuz Niall was singing to me.

Moments later the car comes to a stop.

A car door shuts. The Crunches of feet walking on gravel is around the car. The car door opens and cold air rushes in. Niall grabs my hand and slowly leads me out the car. He unites my blindfold.

"Behold the most beautiful site I know of!" Niall smiles

And he was right it was the most beautiful thin I have ever seen! U could see all of the town, trees the little pond a BUNCH of flowers! And the most beautiful sunset I have seen!! The sky was a purple pink and and the sun was just going down. I go to look over at Niall but he's gone!

"Ashleaaaa!" He yells from behind me.

There is a little picnic with candles lit around the blanket.

I go sit by Niall and look at what food there is. It look really fancy I don't know what it is.

"Umm no fence but what is this?" I say

"Uh I don't really know to be honest. I had harry cook it up, he said to trust him it would be good." Niall admits.

"So ya like what ya see?" Niall says in his deep Irish accent.

"Yeah it gorgeously here! So how did you find the place?"

"I was just walking through the words one day and came to this!" Niall smiles.

"It beautiful!!!"

"So shall we?"Niall laughs

"Shall we what?"I ask

"Eat!" Niall makes a duh face

"Oh I knew that!" I blush.

We begin to eat as the night gets darker and darker. Once we finish our food Niall walks over to the edge of the cliffy thingy and I follow him. We sit with our feet dangling off the edge. Niall puts his arm around me and we watch the sky and point out stars like on all the romantic cheesy movies. It's mid I gut Niall suddenly says.

"Oh my Gish we've been out here this long!!! I've got to get back home my curfew is ten I'm gonna be grounded!! And I won't be able to see you for a while cuz ill be-"

Niall kisses me.

"That was a really naive way to tell me to shut up."I smile and look over at him.

Okayyyyy wel that's the end of that chapter!! Happy now Ashlea!?!?!? Okay byeeeee!!!!! :)

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