Chapter two

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Louis' P.o.v

The next morning I wake up to the sound of my father drunken shouts to get out of bed. I slowly pull my self out of bed to face yet another day. I pull on some pink jeans and a black and white stripped shirt and my favorite pair of toms to go with it.
After getting the girls ready for school I myself head to school.

Harry's p.o.v

I groggily awake at 6am. Even tho it's the first day of school I grab the first thing I see and pull it on a white v neck a grey jacket and black skinny jeans.
Making my way downstairs I notice my moms made me a huge breakfast to start off my day I end up only eating a couple pieces of bacon and a cup of orange juice to which my mother scolds me.
Looking at the clock I notice I'm a little late so I rush out the door and accidentally run in to someone to which they reply with well nothing. And continue walking we both head the same way.

Louis' P.o.v
I awkwardly walk in to the building over to my locker and start to take all the sticky notes off it. Digging into my locker I look for my first hours things. My English book is missing.
I start to dig through my book back hoping I had taken it home. But I find nothing.

Harry's p.o.v
I walk in the school and immediately have the urge to turn back around. I walk to my locker and notice the boy from earlier has a locker next to mine.
I open up my locker and begin putting my stuff in and I turn to the small boy next to me and introduce myself.
"Hey, I'm Harry."
But he says nothing. His head still buried in his locker I assume he didn't hear me.
This time he peaks his head out from behind his locker door and stares at me, but no reply.
Louis' pov
My thoughts are interrupted by Zayns yelling from across the hall. In his hands he hols my English book. How did he get in my locker? I walk over to grab it from him but it turns into a game of monkey in the middle between him myself and his friend Justin.
All of a sudden the book stops being thrown and I turn around and the boy that was trying to get my attention earlier hands it to me. Everyone else walks away due to the show being over. He hands me my book and I give him a small smile and walk away.
He has very beautiful eyes.

Harry's pov
My eyes linger on the smaller boy for longer than intended and i snap out of it when the tardy bell rings. I scurry off to class in hopes of seeing the boy later on.


Louis' pov
Once lunch arrives i gather my things and head outside to eat alone.
I walk over to one to one of the few tables and pull out a book to read while I eat.
Harry's pov
Seeing as how I haven't made an new friends I decide to sit outside on such a nice day.
To my surprise there's only one persons eating out side.
I walk up to the boy and coincidentally it was the small feathery haired boy from this morning.
"Is anyone sitting here?" I shyly ask
To which he replies by slowly shaking his head.

Louis' pov

Harry sits down and starts eating his lunch. For a while we sit in silence until he spoke up "can you talk or do you just not like me?"
I didn't reply
"Will you write to me?" He says as he pulls out a notebook.
I go to take the notebook in my hand but it falls into my food to which harry pushes out an awkward oops.
I scribble down a "hi" on the notebook and Harry lets out a little giggle.
For the remainder of lunch Harry and I sit there a talk, well more he talks and I write down a response but it was nice to have company.

Harry's pov
After lunch and fourth hour I make my way to my last lesson of the day math.
I'm in an advanced math class so that means I'm going to be the youngest in the class so I'm ten times more nervous for this class.
I walk into the room and  immediately notice Louis standing in the corner as the teacher gives everyone their assigned seat.
Some how the fate of the universe Louis and I got to sit next to each other.
For most of the hour Louis and I pass notes back and forth letting out little chuckles every once in a while and half the class would turn to stare.

Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all.

This chapter has been updated due to shitty content
Hopefully it's not as shitty now
I know it's a lot less cringe
I apologize for that and for the fact that these edited updates will be incredibly slow but the summers coming up so hopefully you'll get a lot less shitty content coming your way. So look out for that I guess.
Anyways I did my best to keep it relatively the same but hopefully a little better. Thanks for your time 💕

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