Chapter 9

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Harry's pov

We're on our way to Samantha's! Liam is driving,Niall in the passengers set, me and Louis in the back set. The car ride is quite but not awkward.we arrive at Samantha's shortly after leaving. It's a huge house! There's really loud music,flashing random colored lights!!! There's an in ground pool in the back a what looks like shaving cream slip-n-slide! Niall runs over to the snack table, there's like 5 long tables of food!!! And a .... Chocolate fountain!!!! This should be a really fun party!!! There's already about 100 people here!!! Hahahaha lol there's a kitty pool full of alcohol!!! Niall's still over at the snack table, Liam over with Samantha, and Louis and I are both just standing in the middle of the party not doing anything. Maybe I should ask him if he wants to dance? Just as I'm about to do so Lauren runs up in front of me and starts fan ring with Louis!!! Des all over him and he's just. Standing there frozen!!!

Louis' pov

Lauren is fan ring around me and to tell you the truth I'm very terrified!!!!! Harry's standing away from us with a sad look on his face!!! Awwww!!! Poor Harry!!! Lauren finally stops fan ring and puts her hands on my face, she starts to lean in as I lean AWAY from her!! Harry finally looks like he's had enough and stomps over to us grabs Lauren's arm and pulls her away from me. Harry wraps his arm around me protectively and we walk away. We end up going on the slip-n-slide but our clothes get wet and sticky cause it wa whipped cream not shaving cream,so now everyone who went on it either has a bathing suit of there in there underwear. So now me an Harry are walking around with no clothes on just our underwear!!!! It's kinda embarrassing! We get thirsty so we decide to get a drink it turns out to only be that's what we have. And one turns in to six. So now Harry is now talking about his cat. I just awkwardly sit there listening while swaying back and fourth from all the alcohol. Harry then asks if I want to go swimming. I nod yes. We walk Hand in hand to the pool. On the count o three we both jumped in!!! :0 I've never felt so happy in my life!!!! And now were playing "TRUTH OR DARE!!"

It's now Harry's turn and as always he picks dare. "witch Is NOT a good idea if your playing truth or dare with a bunch of drunks!!!" And like I was saying, the dare Harry will get is probably not going to be good! "I dare you to kiss the person to your right!!" A random blond shouts. Harry turns to his right. Oh shit I'm on his right!!! He puts his arms around my neck, I stand there frozen thinking in my head its just a dare!, Harry leans in even more till his lips touch mine. He then starts to kiss me, it takes me a minute to do so. Now we're full out snogging!!! I hear people taking pictures and laughing and video tape in it! Harry pushes me up against the side of the pool and picks me up. He stops and looks at me and he drags me into the house. People are following us with there phones out! We run into the nearest bedroom and lock the door. Harry pushes me down on the bed and jumps back on top of me! Kissing my jaw line the kiss is getting more intense than intended! The door then flies open!! And in walks Samantha!!!!! "She then yells if you guys are going to ya know then please... Don't do it in my bed!!" Harry gets off of me and we walk out of the room awkwardly as staring faces are all around us.

Harry's pov

The party soon ends and no sign of Liam and Niall the last I saw was Liam and Samantha making out by the pool, and Ashlea and Niall talking. Me and Louis wait in the car till the boys come. Niall shows up first he said that Liam is "helping" Samantha with something but he just thinks there maki bout for the hundredth time tonight!!! Liam comes back 10 minutes later and we drive to my house first to drop me and Louis off my mum said that I can have Louis over!


Short I know but there will be more soon! Kisses! 💋❤ bye!!✋✌

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