Chapter 15

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Harry's pov

The next morning went by fast. I woke up with Louis still cuddled into my side. I slowly got up out of bed and went downstairs. I decided to make a big breakfast because it was Louis first meal seance he got home. I made blueberry pancakes,cinnamon toast, eggs,and bacon,I poured some orange juice into a superman cup. And sat out some fruit. And if I do say so myself i made it look pretty pertiful. (Pertiful means pretty that's how me and my friends say it all the time) while I was waiting for Louis to wake up I turned in some music. And about 10seconds later a sleepy Louis came walking down the stairs. Even when he is tiers e looks gorgeous. With his brown feathery hair flopping in all directions. (Not just ONE DIRECTION!! Hahah I make my self laugh!! Okay I'm a loser sorry :) okay back to the story)

"It smells yummy in here." Louis says like a two yr old.

I made you a YUMMY breakfast!!! I smile

"REALLY?!?!?" Louis races into the kitchen

Once I reach the kitchen Louis is already sitting in the chair gobbling down all his food.


Louis turns around to me and gives me a big kiss on the cheek and says thanks. I sit down across from Louis and watch him eat and occasionally take a bite of my food. Minutes later after we are both done with our food we head out to town. We decided to go to the cinema. We went with the movie Louis wanted to see. I do t really remember what movie it was because I was paying more attention to him then the movie.


Ashleas pov

Today is my first date with Niall!!! I'm very excited don't get me wrong but I'm a nervous wreak!!!!!! I call over my friends to help me get ready. Niall hasn't told me where we are going yet but he said to dress casual. The girls are looking thu my closet looking for an outfit, well by girls I only mean Lauren and Samantha. Stormis just kinda sitting on my bed listening to music VERY loudly. Every once in a while Samantha or lured would find. An outfit and show it to stormi and she would be the person who would say if it was to dressy or not. After about 69 (haha) outfits stormi finally said "THAT THE ONE!!!"

It was a skirt with flowers and a blue tank-top with a little jean jacket. Not to casual but nothing to fancy. I did my own makeup. But when I came out of the bathroom,stormi pushed me back in and took out the eye makeup and made my eyes darker. The she said "there now your look is perfect!! And your eyes beautiful blue eyes pop out perfectly!!!" She smile at me creepily.

Samantha walked over to me and made me open my mouth. She shakes her head. "Go brush you teeth again and use this." She hands me a very minty smelling toothpaste and tiny mouth wash. I ask what wrong with my tooth past?

"Ash let's face it it's spongebob your not five any more time to have a big girl smelling mouth!!" Lauren laughs.

I come back out and Samantha hands me breath spray.

The door bell rings and Lauren goes speeding in to the living room to the door. In walks Niall as I'm walking out of my bedroom. Samantha pushes us out the door and stormi yell "GET SOME!!!!" And slams the door in our faces.

Okay this is just a filler because my friend Ashlea really wanted me to update soooo there u go ash!!!!
And pplz don't forget!! Follow vote share favorite!!! Thx for reading follow me on twitter @1dlover70362 byeeeee my lovleies!! Kisses :) 😘💋💛💙💜💚❤💗💓💕💖💞

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