Chapter 4

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[Warning PG 13 if under age do not read thx]

Harry's pov

I dare you to..? Take off ALL of your clothes and run down the road and yell "Niall is awesome!!" Niall's dare was a bit... Well reveling considering I just met these people like today sooo... Yeah! But I NEVER turn down a dare never and I'm not going to start now!!! I went out to the porch and started to strip down and the boys where all standing there with their phones out ready to video tape it but not Louis he was just awkwardly standing there.

Louis' pov

We where out on the porch and Harry was striping down to nothing!! I felt quite awkward? As Harry started running down the road yellin "Niall is awesome". My face turned red from seeing my crush naked. It was really embarrassing but at least the boys were watching Harry so it wasn't that bad but did I have to make it that obvious! For crying out loud!

Harry's pov

When I got back from streaking down the road I put my shorts on I was warm and it was ht out side even though it was night. We all went inside and sat down on the couch. I turn to Louis. "Truth or dare!" I shout! Louis grabs a notebook and a pen that was setting near by and writes "truth!"

Dang it I had a good dare for him but he decides to go with the easy one!! BOO!!!! "Umm...? Have you ever..? Had a girlfriend that you dated cause you felt sorry for her if so how long did it last?

Louis' pov

When Harry asked that question I completely froze! And I wrote "no ?"for my answer. Like a question. But the truth was I had never had a girlfriend nor have I ever had a boyfriend! That's why I said no cause it would have been embarrassing! I bet Harry has had plenty of girlfriends as well as Liam and Niall! I feel like a complete fool!!

We carry in with the game but after every on has had one dare or truth we quit and ended up going to sleep. Liam on the floor in Harry's bedroom, Niall on the beanbag chair,Harry and I on the bed somehow! I was still awake when to arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer, then I mess of curls on my chest. I didn't move or say anything one cause I didn't want to wake him and two cause well I don't talk!!! So yeah!

Harry's pov

I wake up to the warmth of someone next to me I look up to see that me and Louis at cuddling in bed!! I get butterflies in my stomach as Louis starts to move and his eyes start to slowly open! I hurry and close my eyes shut! That was close!!! I feel him look down and hit breathing stops for a second. What if this whole thing scares him and he never wants to see me again!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~okay well that was a extremely short chapter so ill update tomorrow!!! If you have anything to day about the chapter chapters tell me what you think so I can work on it or keep doing what I'm doing so thx!!!! Bye lovelies!! Kisses!!! <3 bye:)

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