Chapter 6

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It had been almost a week since I went off on Nikki and she was still mad at me. She usually never held a grudge against me this long so I was surprised we were not back to being cool again.

My mom was cooking and Amy was over Layla's house. Layla's mom and my mom fixed the beef they had between each other. I just hoped Nikki and I could do the same.

I told my mom I was leaving and she didn't bother to ask me where. As soon as I was about to go outside, my mom called my name.

"Yes?" I said.

"You better not crash my car!"

"I'll try not to." I chuckled.

"I'm not playing Mariah."

I left and drove to Nikki's house. I needed to clear the air between us once and for all.

I arrived at her house in fifteen minutes. I rung the doorbell. A few seconds later Nikki's dad opened the door.

He embraced me instantly. "Hey Mariah. What's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to Nikki. Is she home?"

"Yeah. She's in the backyard smoking a blunt. You should join her. You look a little tense."

"Nah I'm fine Trey."

Trey, Nikki's dad was really cool. He was not like most parents. He was pretty laid back about everything. He even let Nikki smoke and drink, something most parents would never allow their children to do. They would even smoke and drink together sometimes. Nikki wasn't really a drinker though, she was more of a smoker.

Her dad started heavily drinking two years ago when he found out that his wife was having an affair. He loved Nikki's mom with all of his heart. He was always so sweet and gentle with her. He treated her with the upmost respect. But everyone could tell that Nichole, Nikki's mom, didn't have as much love for him as he did for her. She always seemed aggravated and annoyed with him. She didn't seem like she appreciated anything he did for her. He was such a sweetheart but she was such a bitch.

It wasn't a surprise to everyone when they found out that Nikki's mom was having an affair but it was a real big surprise to Trey. He was just so in love with her, so when he found out the news it just broke his heart. She told him that she wanted a divorce. He tried talking her out of it by asking her if they could go to counseling so they could work out their relationship but she didn't want to. She said she was in love with the guy she had an affair with and that she was going to move with him to California. That just left his heart in shattered pieces. They divorced and she moved on with her life without him. Nikki told me he's never been the same ever since then. She told me that she would find him in the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, crying his eyes out. It hurt her heart to see her dad like that but she always stood by his side no matter what. She hated her mom for leaving their family and breaking her father's heart. She said she could never forgive her mother for doing that.

I went to the backyard and found Nikki sitting down under a tree, smoking a blunt. I made my way over to her. She didn't looked at all surprised to see me.

"I need to talk to you." I said.


"I'm really sorry for going off on you. I know I said some really disrespectful things to you. "

"I was only trying to help you."

"I know but I was just..." I paused.

"Just tired of people treating you like a fucking charity case?" She said, finishing my sentence.

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