Chapter 15

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Travis dropped me off and I rushed inside the school bumping, cruising, and dunking under people. I came to school late and was trying to get to Nikki before she walked into her class. I spotted her talking to Maci. I made my way over to them.

"Hey guys." I said.

Nikki rolled her eyes while Maci just looked towards the ground.

"Can I speak to you Nikki?"

She just looked at me and didn't say a word. She was ignoring me. I couldn't stand when people ignored me but I guess I derserved it for what I did it to her.

I grabbed her hand and she quickly snatched her hand away from me. She was looking at me with disgust. She pushed past me and went into class. Maci just stood there and shook her head at me. "What you did was really messed up Mariah."

I began feeling uncomfortable and a little embarrassed. I didn't like the fact that Maci knew about me and Nikki's problem. I felt she should've just kept it between us.

Both of my friends were disappointed in me and I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself. The bell rung. I was late for class but I didn't care. I had too much on my mind and being tardy wasn't one of them.

I walked into class and sunk into my seat, hoping somehow that the chair will swallow me up and take me away from my misery. But of course that didn't happen.

I was zoned out the whole class period. I had been zoning out in class a lot lately. There had been so much going on in the past few weeks that I hadn't been really been focused on school work. My grades were going down and I was heading from a A-B student to a B-C student. I had only one A and that was in Mr.Taylor's class. I had to make sure I did good in his class because if I didn't he would interrogate me. The only reason he did was because he actually cared about my grade. The other teachers couldn't care less if I was failing or passing.

I had a huge migraine and I just wanted to go home and take a nap. I knew my mother would never pick me up for school early unless I was on the verge of dying so I was stuck at school.

When it was lunch time my migraine had went away and I was feeling a little better. I was standing by Nikki and Maci in the lunch line as usual but I could sense something was off. They may have been only a few inches away from me but they still felt distant to me. They were talking and laughing, not including me in their conversation or even acknowledging my presence. I didn't even bother saying anything. I didn't want to get ignored again. I just watched as they laughed and smiled while I was hurting on the inside. I felt so alone. I was around so many people but still felt lonely. I had this aching feeling in my body that just wouldn't go away.

We got our lunches and sat down at our table. Their seats were close while my seat was a little far apart so I could clearly still feel the distance. I felt really unwanted. Nikki wouldn't even take one glance at me. I wanted her attention and she was treating me like I was invisible. I would expect to get treated like I was invisible from everybody else but not Nikki. She always paid attention to me and noticed the littlest things about me. Some things I didn't even really notice about myself.

I look down at my lunch. I lost my appetite looking at the watery spaghetti. I sighed and threw my food away.

I kept looking at Nikki, hoping she would at least take a glance at me but she just continued talking to Maci.

I gave up trying to get Nikki's attention. She was obviously still mad at me so I thought it was best if I just left the situation alone.

I was so happy when school was over because I could hang out with Travis. He would make me happy and forget about my problems.

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