Chapter 22

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Mariah P.O.V.

While I was at work, all I could think about was what Nikki told me about Rita. How could Rita have known that Travis had a criminal record and not have told me anything. I needed to talk to her because I wasn't sure if Rita really had my best interest at heart.

I went into her office and said, "I need to talk to you Rita."

I felt like I could easily get the answers I needed from Rita. She wasn't good under pressure so I would use that to my advantage.

She looked up from the paper she was writing and said, "What do you want Anderson?"

"Its just about Travis. I have some mixed feelings about him. If you knew something was odd or off about him, wouldn't you tell me before I started dating him?"

She looked confused and baffled. "Where is this coming from?"

"Some people told me things and I'm just trying to make sure were on the same page here."

"I don't know what they told you but I would let you know if there was something off about him. He seemed like a good choice for you. But I really don't know him that well personally."

I didn't know if Rita was telling me the truth or lying but I could tell I was making her very uncomfortable.

"I just need you to answer one question and one question only. Does Travis have a criminal record?"

"Of course not Mariah. If he did I wouldn't have hired him. Who told you this?"

"Don't worry about it." I said, walking out of her office. I now knew that Rita was a liar and did not have my best interest at heart. I then realized I couldn't trust anyone. I didn't know who was against or with me.

The woman who I thought looked out for me and loved me, just straight up lied to me in my face. I knew that was Rita's signature on the contract Ricardo showed me. There was no denying it.

Everybody seemed to be lying to me about something, I just didn't know what.

Rita P.O.V.

I sighed in relief as I watched Mariah storm away. I hope she couldn't tell I was lying but something told me that she did.

Travis did have a criminal record but I couldn't tell Mariah the truth or it would put my life on the line. I did not know what his parents were capable of doing but I did know that I was not going to put my life on the line for anyone.

Travis's parents paid me a lot of money to hire Travis and stay quiet about his past. His parents told me that Travis was wrongly accused of raping his ex girlfriend. They told me that his ex girlfriend Katherine made the whole thing up just to throw him in jail because he wouldn't give her money. As far as I know, his ex girlfriend is a lying, conniving, greedy bitch. I felt sorry for Travis because he would have this on his record forever.

The reason I introduced Mariah to Travis was because I wanted them to become a couple. I knew he would be able to take care of her and provide her what she needed since she was struggling.

But I felt bad because I was keeping another big secret from Mariah. I was secretly dating Mariah's mom and she didn't know it. Mariah's mom, Marissa told me constantly about how she needed money and help so when Travis came into my office I knew he would be their saving grace.

Now that she didn't have to work as much, she spent more time with me. We had been dating for four months now and nobody knew. We did a great job of keeping our relationship a secret. We agreed to allow each other to date other people but we weren't allowed to fall in love with anyone else.

I loved Marissa like crazy and would do anything for her. She was different from all the other women and men I had dated in the past. She was sweet and a joy to be around. Mariah always complained about her mother but I couldn't understand why. Her mother was the sweetest person I had ever met.

I just sometimes wish I didn't have to hide my feelings for her but if I wanted to continue to date her mom, I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut.

Mariah P.O.V.

I came home from a long day at work and was ready to take a long nap. But little did I know, God had other plans in store for me. My mom was sitting in the kitchen, smoking a cigarette and looking at my report card. I knew my grades had went down since I was spending all my time with Travis instead of doing my homework.

"Sit down Mariah." My mom said sternly.

I did as I was told.

She looked at me and shook her head. "What the fuck is this?" She said throwing my report card in my face. "You have one a, two b's, three c's and one d. What the hell is going on with you?"

I shrugged.

"I'm going to need more of a response than that. Well now you can't blame it on working too much because your ass only work once a week. You've been going over Travis's house more and more often and I know y'all ain't doing homework together, so what are you doing?"


"You must think I'm stupid. I know what teenagers do. I was one once. You having sex ain't you, Mariah?"

"No mom." I snapped. "You should trust me."

"Your grades are telling me otherwise. That boy is too much of a distraction. You're not focusing on your school work. Until you get your grades up you are not allowed to go over his house."

"Are you serious mom?" I screamed. "You can't do that."

She laughed. "But I can and I will. As long as you live in my house, you live under my rules. I better see your ass at home right after school. You are not allowed to go anywhere with Travis, Nikki or Maci. You staying your ass at home everyday. Do I make myself clear?"

I was beyond pissed. This was so unfair. I had been getting good grades my whole life and my mother never had anything to say about it. She never congratulated me or even rewarded me. She never motivated me to do anything. I had to motivate myself. Now that I was not getting good grades, she felt the need to talk. Why is that people never care when you do something good but as soon as you do something bad, its the end of the world?

I couldn't go weeks without spending time with Travis. How was I supposed to survive? I love him but I couldn't tell my mother that. She would be pissed to know that I had fallen in love.

I went into my room and texted Travis about what my mom said.

Travis: I can't believe this. Now how am I going to spend time with you?

Me: Idk

Travis: You willing to sneak out?

Me: No :/

Travis: Don't you want to spend time with me?

Me: You know I do.

Travis: Then you should at least be willing to sneak out. I'll only have you for an hour just so you'll be back at home before anyone even notices.

I felt uneasy about sneaking out. I didn't feel comfortable going against my mother's commands. I then thought about all the things Travis had done for me in the past. He had been basically paying all our bills, spoiling me with things, and treating me like princess, why shouldn't I get out of my comfort zone and do something he wanted for a change?

Me: Alright. I'll sneak out for you. Only for an hour.

Travis: That's my girl :)

I sighed and took out my homework. After an hour I was done. My mind wandered off back to Rita. I couldn't help but feel betrayed. I at least thought she would've told me the truth but all she did was lie. I was hurt and saddened by that.

I vowed to never get close to an adult figure ever.

Since nobody was looking out for me, I had to look out for myself.

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