Chapter 21

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Travis P.O.V.

I was in my room laying down, thinking how proud I was of myself. I had Mariah wrapped around my fingers. She couldn't get enough of me. I couldn't help but smile. I knew it wouldn't be hard to get Mariah to fall in love with me.

"Breaking news!!!" As soon as I heard that I turned my attention to the television screen and listened carefully to what the news reporter was saying.

"Famous business owner James Taylor admits that he was molested by his step father when he was child."

Everything else the news reporter was saying blurred out. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. James Taylor was a very good friend of my dad. He owned a lot of successful businesses for a guy who was only twenty three. But what shocked me most about this news story was the fact that his step father did it. He seemed really close to his step father and seemed like he looked up to him. This story just didn't make any sense but I guess you never know what's really going on behind closed doors.

My mind wandered off to a memory I wish I could permanently erase from my brain.

I was in my room playing with the action figures my mom had bought me for my birthday. I had just turned six and was excited to play with my brand new toys.

I made sound effects with my mouth while I pretended two of my action figures were fighting.

My uncle opened my door and I immediately stopped playing. I looked up and nervously said hello.

My uncle welcomed himself  in and locked the door. I was confused on why he locked the door but I didn't question his action. Although my uncle was very nice to me, I always felt very uncomfortable around him. I could feel something was off about him.

"What you doing Travi?" He asked. Everyone called me Travi when I was little. It was a nickname that my aunt came up with.

"Just playing with my action figures. Wanna play with me?"

He chuckled. "Let's play a different game.." He pushed my action figures aside and looked at me in a seductive manner.

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