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1 year later ...

Mariah P.O.V.

Life had been a rollercoaster since I left the hospital. Everyone had told me the truth of what happened and I was left heart broken once again but my friends and family members were all there for me. Amy said she couldn't stand to see me like that at the hospital which is why she never came to visit.

I think my situation changed everyone in some way. It had definitely changed me for sure. I was less trustful of people and I became even more insecure. I still felt too worthless enough for anyone's love. I felt like no one would ever truly love me. I had guys try to get with me but I never gave them the time of day. I vowed to myself to never trust a man ever again. I couldn't allow myself to get fucked over twice. If I were to be dating someone the only thing I would be thinking about was if he was playing me. I would always question his love and be on edge with everything. A relationship is just not what I'm ready for right now.

My situation also made me realize who really had my back. I was going off on Nikki for "accusing" Travis of being all the things I didn't want to believe he was. I pushed my friends away for a guy who didn't even have my best interest at heart. That was wrong of me and I hate myself for doing that to them.

Nikki went through hell and back just to protect me. She pretty much put her life on the line when she confronted Travis about what he did. I realized that Nikki was really the best thing I could ask for. She was always there for me even when I wasn't being such a good friend to her. I honestly didn't feel like I deserved her. She deserved someone better than me.

I couldn't thank Nikki enough for all that she's done for me. I didn't realize before who really had my back but now I did. Nikki and Maci would always be my true friends. They were there my bedside everyday since the incident happened. They could've easily forgotten about me but they didn't and I would forever be thankful for that.

My relationship with my mom has changed dramatically. My mom was more nice and soft towards me. She wasn't always yelling and cursing me out. She was beginning to act like an actual mother. I was creeped out by her niceness at first. I just wasn't used to her being sweet to me. I guess the thought of her almost losing me, changed her mindset and made her change how she acted towards me. She wasn't taking me for granted anymore.

Since the checks stopped coming in from Travis, she started picking up more hours at work. I was no longer forced to work long hours to pay the bills. My mom was finally taking responsibility. She knew I had to stay focused on my school work if I wanted to graduate. My mom told me even though I was pregnant, she still wanted me to go to college. I thought college was out of the question for me but she told me that she refused to let me become like her. School was now my only focus. My grades got back up and I wasn't doing so bad anymore.

My mom and I became closer. We rarely ever fought or bickered at each other. As weird as this is going to sound but my mom and I actually became friends. I could talk to her about stuff other than the norm. She was very supportive during my whole pregnancy. There were days I was really depressed and I would just stay in bed and cry all day. The thought of having a baby scared the shit out of me sometimes but my mother always tried to keep my spirit up.

Amy and I were back to being best buds again and she loved being an aunty.

My baby boy was born on Febuary 16th. When the doctor handed me my baby, I felt so much love towards him. He looked so much like me but he had Travis's eyes. He was truly beautiful. Although he was born in the weirdest way possible, I didn't regret having him. He was my love. I named him Gabriel. I didn't want him to have Travis's last name so I gave him mine. His whole name was Gabriel Isaiah Anderson. Everyone loved and adored him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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