Chapter 17

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A/N: In this chapter you will read three point of views.

Nikki P.O.V.

I was standing outside of Ricardo's house waiting for him to open the door. I was anxious. I really didn't know what to expect.

He opened the door and blew a cloud of smoke in my face. "What brings you here Nik?" His breath reeked of cigarettes.

"I need to ask you some things."

"Well come in and have a seat."

Ricardo was only eighteen but he was making more than most teenagers. He charged people to give him information about other people, particularly Hispanics. He knew every Latino on the block and he could probably give an autobiography of each and every one of them. I always wondered how Ricardo knew so much information about people but he always said he would never give out his secret. He never gave out information like social security numbers, or credit card numbers. He just told you little bits of information.

I sat down in a chair and put fifteen dollars on the table.

"Only fifteen dollars ma? You must not want a lot of information."

I rolled my eyes and put ten more dollars on the table.

"There you go." He said chuckling.

"So who do you need to know more about?"

"Rosalina Gonzalez." I suddenly felt weird for asking about a women I had never even met. I was desperate and I really needed to find this woman so I can ask her some things. She was my closest link to Travis.

"Ahh..Rosalina Gonzales. How she look like?" He asked.

I described her.

"Ohh that Rosalina. My sister went out with one of her son's so I know her pretty well."

I smiled.

"Where does she live?" I asked.

"Woah there." Ricardo said, putting his hands up. "I can't give you that type of information. I can tell her to meet you here but I'll refuse to give you her address."

"Alright, alright, alright. Just tell me some information about the lady."

"She is a maid. She lives with Gabriella and Lamar. They have one son named Travis."

"Do you know any information about Travis?

"Nik, don't ask stupid questions. You know if they not fully Latino, I don't know anything about them."

I laughed. Ricardo was a clown.

"Come here tomorrow at three and Rosalina will be here to answer any question you have for her."

"You better not be playing with me Ricardo."

"I don't ever play. Trust me, she'll be here tomorrow at three."

"Okay. Thank you."

I left his house regretting that I gave him twenty five dollars to have a five minute conversation with him.

Mariah P.O.V.

"Travis get off of me." I said laughing. Travis was tickling the life out of me.

"Ok, ok." He said, getting off of me. I was still on guard just in case if he was coming back to tickle me.

"I'm not going to tickle you girl."

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