The bad boy

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Finn was riding on his motorcycle to school with his infamous leather jacket and black shades. His step brother took the car while he rode on his bike feeling the wind through his hair. To Finn school was a hell hole, in which he would rather ditch everyday. But his mother and Burt think he at least should go to protect Kurt. He may not like school but he has a reputation to uphold, so he can't let people know he sticks up for Kurt, so he does his good deeds in the shadows.
Rachel walked to school with her sister and brother. They would take the car but Rachel likes feeling the wind through her hair as she hears the birds chirping. Her brother doesn't mind, but her sister, the mutant, would rather shoot an arrow through those innocent creatures. Her sister Monica is a bit of a control freak when it comes to her and Blaine's safety, she has been ever since their mother died. Rachel is well known around the school, she's head cheerleader and is in twelve different clubs, she's Mckinley's it girl. The other ones are sluts or mean, but not Rachel and no one dares accuse the little sister of the girls soccer team captain. Blaine's the captain of the boxing club and hosts book club ever wedsnday. No one judges him either because of fear of what Monica would do. So life's been good for the berry's, at least until now
Finn POV
I was getting off my bike as I saw Kurt walking out of his car. I knew I had to protect him, but I can't let anyone know so I have to confront him early on in the morning.

"Hey little bro' remember tell me if anyone's bothering you got it?" I state
"Yeah i know" Kurt said

Azimio and karofstky walked toward us causing Kurt to scurry off. They're the guys on the football team. So they got juice at the school, unlike them I don't need power from a varsity jacket, I get it with the ladies.

"Saw your little charity work Hudson" karofstky said
"Who Kurt? I was just telling him to not die on the first day back" I scoff taking my shades off
"Really because it sounded like you were protecting him" karofstky said
"Imagine what they'll think of Hudson, when they here he's gone soft living with homo Hummel" azimio answered
"Fuck you both, you can't threaten me" I say
"I say we make a deal so we won't tell Jacob Ben Israel's blog about this little incident" karofstky planned
"What do you guys have in mind" I asked because no matter what I don't want people knowing I've gone soft
"Sleep with the impossible target" azimio said grinning devilish
"Please, I can get anyone to sleep with me" I said confident
"Alright I bet you 200 dollars you can't get Rachel Berry to sleep with you till prom and if you lose, we get to make up our own little story to Jacob" karofstky said pointing to themselves

This is going to be easy

"Deal" I said shaking my hand
Rachel POV
I was walking to cheer practice after school when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Finn Hudson the biggest womanizer at this school. I'm in my Cheerios uniform already so I just turn to face him.

"May I help you?" I ask
"Yeah, into bed" he said winking

Ugh, I didn't have time for his flirting. I was about to tell him that I'm not interested when Monica came by

"Who the hell are you?" Monica asked putting her arm around me

I already knew he'd be a goner, it's too bad for a man whore he really is cute

"Finn Hudson" he smirked

Hey that was kind of hot

"What does this guy want? He bothering you?" Monica asks me completely ignoring Finn

"It's fine Moni, I just need to get to Cheerios practice befor coach sue yells at me" I say walking away

"Alright then, remember Blaine is going out with his boxing buddies and I'm going to pick you up later" Monica told me

"See ya at home" I say walking away

Monica just nods and heads to the car. I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around, because this perv was following me

"What do you want!?" I ask
"You" Finn smirks, damn his smirk it makes me turn to jelly
"Sorry but I don't date guys who just want to use me," I say walking away
Finn POV
I used all my tricks, I did my half smile, I chatted smoothly, and nothing. This girl is hard to crack. Not to mention her sister watching over her like a hawk. No need to worry I'll win this deal, and I'll win it before prom too.

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