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Rachel POV
I was walking out of Cheerios practice and about to call my sister when I see him standing there. He may be bad for me, but he is hot! I walk over to him, he was wearing his sunglasses and had his jacket over his shoulder while waiting on his motorcycle.
Finn POV
I've been waiting for her, for like three hours. Damn how long is her practice? Since Rachel is one of those girls, who don't like to get straight to the sex I figure I'll ask her out a few times than sleep with her. I'm waiting here by my bike and I see her come out. She is wearing the smallest uniform, and she looks hot!
Rachel POV
He looks like he's been waiting here for quite a while.
"What brings you here" I say
"Came to see you" he smirks

Gosh his dimples are cute

"Is that so?" I ask
"Yup, came to see if you wanted maybe go out" he said crossing his arms

Oh, I know what this is

"That's so cute, you think if you ask me out a couple of times that I'll give myself to you, yeah, not gonna happen mister" I say about to walk away, but he pulls me in

I don't what I feel when he touches me, but it's like a tingle

"Then at least, let me take you home" he says still holding me

I wiggle out of his grasp. What's the worst that can happen if I let him drive me. So I get on his bike.

"Where do you live?" He asks handing me a helmet
"2134 Venice st." I say putting it on

He looks over at me and smiles

"What?" I ask worried
"The helmet fits you well" he smirks
"So I've  been told" I smile back
"Alright hold tight princess" Finn says taking off so quickly causing me to hold tightly to his waist
Finn POV
As I'm riding, I feel this weird tingle when she touches me. It's so strange I've never felt this before. I hope it's not like the flu or something because that would totally throw me off. I kind of don't want to do this to Rachel cause she seems nice and all, but I don't want people judging me and getting down on me because I'm nice, so I have to keep up the bad boy image. Which means no long term distractions from girls, unless I sleep with them.
Rachel POV
It's there again. That weird tingly feeling. It's always when I touch Finn, how strange. We make it to the front of my house and I'm kind of nervous on what my daddy is going to say. Or worse what Monica and Blaine will do. Monica, I know will destroy Finn, and Blaine may seem harmless but he doesn't like it when people take advantage of his sisters. I look at my house and get off the bike. I also take off the helmet and give it to him.

"Thanks for the ride" I say handing the helmet

He puts it in the back

"Only for you" he smirks

I just laugh

"Yeah sure, me and probably ten other girls" I say knowing his reputation

"What make you say that" he asks

"I know who you are Finn Hudson" I say dramatizing his name

"Oh and who am I, Rachel Berry" he says mocking me and leaning in

"You're the schools bad boy who loves sleeping around" I say leaning in as well

"Is that who I am" he says going closer so we're kissing distance

I notice, and he notices so I back away

"Yup" I say popping the p and walking to my house

"See ya round cutie" I yell not looking back

I don't turn around to see his reaction but when I open my door I take a glance and I see him smiling, well more like a devilish grin.
Finn POV
She thinks I'm cute. So I know she likes me. Although I'm kinda bummed she doesn't want get with me because of my reputation, even if it's true. Whatever. I know she'll be begging to get with me sooner or later.

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