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We're back in school, only this time I'm a senior, and pregnant. How(not) fantastic! Summer was a pain in the ass. All I did was sit home and watch some horrible reality tv show. My back was hurting too much for me to even get up.

The only good thing this summer is that Finn and I found a place and we move in next week. He worked on the nursery after they took off his cast. Noah also helped out with the nursery. Since Finn knows the gender and I don't they still haven't let me see it. I only have one more month left and the baby is here. I can't wait to pop this little baby out, out of my body and into my life,

"Rachel, are you sure you want to go to school? I mean you are eight months pregnant" he said worried

"Finn Hudson, are you calling me fat?" I ask annoyed

"No! No! Not at all, I just want you to be safe, here at home" he smiles

"I'm going to school, Finn" I say determined as he opened the door
"Alright, you win" he say closing the door

I smile and he helps me into the car. Since I'm so big it takes a while. We were driving and singing along as we arrived at school. I didn't want to admit it, but I'm actually scared. Like Finn said, I am eight months pregnant.

Also, ever since people found out I was pregnant, it seems as though more cheerio sluts are throwing themselves at my boyfriend. It's annoying, and my hormones being all over the place isn't helping.

"Ready?" Finn asked taking out the keys
"Yup" I say unbuckling my seat belt

Finn does the same and goes all the way to the other side to help me out. He's so sweet. As I was getting off I saw Sam and Quinn. I still haven't spoken to Sam since the accident. I can tell he feels bad, which makes me feel bad, which I hate.

"Don't look"

I could hear harshly whisper to Sam turning his head to face her. Oh look, Quinn's still a bitch, what a shocker.

"Just ignore them Rach" Finn assured squeezing my hand

Later on in the day


I was walking with my binder close to my chest when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I jump a little and turn to see Sam. Coincidentally no ones in the hallway.

"What do you want?" I walk a little rude
"I wanted to apologize for the whole prom incident" Sam said looking down ashamed
"You shouldn't be apologizing to me, it's Finn who you almost killed" I say irritated

He kept staring at the floor and I thought for a moment that I saw him almost cry. Now I felt bad, so I shifted uncomfortably and griped my binder.

"But I accept your apology" I say

He looks up and shows me a small smile

"I miss you" he says

Ok, just no, it's only the first day of school, I am not about to get wrapped up in drama while being eight months pregnant.

"Aren't you with Quinn now? Won't she like freak if she's sees you speaking to me?" I ask

He shows a little smile and shrugs

"I think I can handle Fabray's fury" he shrugs
"Well I have to get going to class" I say walking away

I need to tell Finn that Sam's sorry, but then again, Sam should do it himself. So I won't say anything until he does.
Quinn POV
I saw everything, I heard everything, and now I know everything.

Sam is my ticket to prom queen and king. It totally got messed up last year by Finn getting run over by a drunk driver. Now I only have senior year left and I will not have Rachel and Finn ruin that again! I let it slide and I didn't say anything when Finn was hurt, but now she crossed the line. She's pregnant and flirting with my Sam?

Well that just won't do,

I'll just do what I wasn't going to do. Berry's asking for it, and well, I guess she should know why her lovely baby daddy is even with her.

Authors note
I'm sorry for not updating my other stories. I'm really busy and I'm trying to finish my other ones to focus on my most recent ones. So please be patient with me if you have been reading my other stories.

Also I'd like to give a shout out to an amazing writer. She asked me to read her finchel fanfic, and it's so good! I am officially hooked to yet, another finchel story, so thank you

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