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Finn POV
I was in math class making up a test when I see puck rush into the classroom. He looks worried and his face falls when he sees me. I wonder what's gotten into him? He walks over to me. He tells me those three word that make my world fall apart

"Finn, it's rachel"

I instantly bolt out of the classroom as the teacher calls out for me. I was running to my car when puck catches up to me.

"She's in the nurses office dude" puck says out of breath

I was in the parking lot and I decided to run to the nurses office. I walk in to find Rachel sitting up drinking water as Santana, Sam, and Kurt sat here.

"What happened? Is it the baby? Are you ok?" I ask checking Rachel
"I'm fine" Rachel says slightly pushing me away

That hurt,

"No you're not Rachel, you need to tell him" Santana says
"Tell me what?" I ask worried
"Rachel's blood pressure was high which can affect the baby" Kurt explains
"It won't go up again, I was just caught up in the moment" Rachel shrugs

I crouch down to her ignoring everyone else

"Rachel, you need to be more careful" I say looking at her for the first time in weeks

She looked back at me with those big beautiful chocolate eyes.

"I will, I promise" she responds

I want to kiss her so badly, but I'm afraid of crossing my boundaries. She gets up,

"What did the nurse say?" I ask
"She told Rachel to take it easy and rest" Sam answers

I'm kind of worried, rumor has it they've been getting closer. Which I don't like.

"Which is exactly what I'm going to do" Rachel said getting up
"Here I'll take you home" I say grabbing her bridal style

She hesitates a little but then she wraps her tiny arms around my neck. No one does or says anything as I walk to my car.

At home

Rachel POV
I let him carry me, I let him take me to our apartment, but I'm still mad at him. So when we got home I of course went to the room and closed the door. Finn being Finn naturally walked in after me.

I feel like a whale.

"Can we at least talk about how your blood pressure spiked up?" He asked sitting on our bed

I rest my hands on top of my giant stomach and sat there silently. I know he's just going to sit there till I tell him, so I cleared my throat.

"Quinn slapped me, so I slapped her back harder" I finish not looking at him
"She did what!??" He said loud
"Calm down, I'm fine now, plus I'm not due for another two weeks" I shrug
"Rachel you need to be more careful"Finn says sitting back down next to me
"I just want to sleep" I say laying down and turning my back to him

I heard him get up and before he walked out the door he whispered

"I'm so sorry Rachel, for everything, I love you"

I wanted to tell him stay, don't go, I forgive you. But I don't and I can't, because I'm about to start crying and I'm such an ugly crier, and I'm stubborn. So I can't forgive him, at least not yet.

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