Rumor Has It

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Rachel POV
Today Blaine and I decided to walk to school. Monica had soccer practice early in the morning so she couldn't drop us off. After Finn dropped me off yesterday my whole family attacked me with questions. Sometimes it sucks being the youngest, especially when they assume I like Finn, which I don't. Right now were only half way to school and Blaine is awfully quiet.
"Hey what's up with you today?" I ask him

He looks at me hopeful then turns away, I stop him because he's acting really strange

"Blaine, just tell me what's going on, I'm your sister" I say holding him
"I-I think I-I....." He was interrupted by a motorcycle appearing

I look toward it and see Finn. Damn, that white v neck t shirt is not helping me be mad at him. I just bite my lip because I can see his muscles, but the I remember Blaine so I stop.

"May we help you?" I ask a smug looking Finn
"Yeah, can I give you a lift?" Finn asks me
"Absolutely not, she is not going anywhere near you" Blaine answered for me dragging me away, I looked back to see Finn a little mad at Blaine but it soon turns to sadness, that's weird
Finn POV
I was riding my bike when I see a familiar shortie taking with a kid who was wearing way too much hair gel. I decide this is my chance to get closer to Rachel, so I drive to them and ask her if she needs a ride. I see her bite her lip when she sees me, but she quickly goes back to her posture. I see I'm having that effect on her, good, maybe now it'll be easier. But, of course, like her sister, Rachel's brother answers for her, making sure she stay away from me. I don't see what the big deal is, all I wanted was to drive her to school. I don't know why, but when her family keeps me away it makes me sad, freaky.
Rachel POV
I was going to tell Finn no anyway, because I wanted to know what Blaine was going to say. But he hasn't said a word to me and I kind of feel bad for Finn. He keeps trying to talk with me but my family is so protective. Last night Monica told me Finn wasn't the right guy for me, even when I told her that sam asked me out last week. I have yet to give him answer, but I think I'm going to say yes so my siblings stop being paranoid.
"Alright rachie, remember stay away from Finn, he's bad" Blaine scolds
"Relax Blaine, I don't like finn that way and I'm thinking of saying yes to sam" I say excited

Only Blaine approves of sam, just because he's the football quarterback. Also he likes Sam's hair.

"Go rachie" Blaine says excited with me
"Alright see ya" I say walking to my locker
Finn POV
I was walking into school when karofstky and azimio come up to me. I just rolled my eyes, can't I have one good morning, ever.

"Change of plans Hudson" karofstky says
"What's the new plan?" I ask bored
"Rachel is off limits," azimio said
"Who says?" I ask mad, I can see Rachel if I want
"Sam" karofstky answers

Great dumb jock doesn't want me testing out his potential girlfriend. Well screw him, I can dat......I mean sleep with Rachel if I want.

"Screw sam" I say

Azimio and karofstky just laugh

"New deal is, you have to tell the whole school Blaine Berry is gay" karofstky smirked

That's easy

"Alright, deal," I say shaking their hand

"Nice doing business, and remember winner gets two hundred" azimio yells
Rachel POV
During Cheerios practice I see sam doing drills. Let me just say he looked hot! I can't wait to tell him my answer. I've made him wait long enough. I walk over to him and smile

"Hey Sam" I smile
"Hey Rachel" sam smiles back
"So about that question" I lead on
Sam leans in
"Yeah?" He ask hopeful
"I'll go out with you" I smile

Sam gets super happy and spins me around

"You won't regret it Rachel" sam smiles real big
"I hope not" I say swaying my hips back toward practice
Finn POV
I was in the janitors closet with some cheerleader, when I hear everyone talking about how something, was like bound to happen, or something like that. I didn't make much of it because who cares then I heard them say Rachel. I stop kissing the cheerleader and walked out only to see everyone holding the schools paper. I grab one from some dorks hand. I see the worst thing ever

Jacob Ben Israel Schools Scoop of the day

Hot cheerleader captain Rachel Berry finally goes out with Schools Quarterback, Sam Evans

I can't read anymore because it just makes my stomach sick, like what the hell? Is this why she kept turning me down, for plastic ken doll Evans? I shouldn't care about the girls I'm suppose to sleep with but Rachel's...... Rachel's....well, she's Rachel!

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