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Rachel POV
After the whole date thing, well I think it was a date, I really wanted to talk to Finn. But of course family being family have been monitoring me for the past week. Finn was still my friend before the date, so I don't understand why they can't let me be his friend. So I haven't seen him at all. But it's Sunday, so I plan to speak to him tomorrow, wether Monica and Blaine like it or not.
Finn POV
One week.
That's how long her family has been keeping us apart. I hate it. I don't know why, but I hate it. I'm not suppose to hate it, I'm suppose to not care. But Rachel Berry has this weird effect on me. I can't explain it, but the weird effect is a good weird. I don't want it to be good, because Rachel is just a bet.

Proms in two months, which means I have two months to sleep with Rachel. I've only know her for about three. I'm pretty sure deep down by the second week I knew her, I already knew I didn't want to go through with it.

But I'm in too deep know, I can't tell her because she'll hate me, but if I do tell her she'll hate me. She'll find out if I don't do it, therefore she'll hate me. If I do it she'll still find out and hate me. I can't win.

Why? Why couldn't she be like any other girl, why couldn't I just not have feelings for her. Why out of the girls I fall for, does it have to be her!???


I turn my head to the door in my room to find Kurt standing there.

"What?" I ask
"I've been calling for you for like ten minutes!" Kurt exclaims
"So? What do you want?" I ask again, I must've been daydreaming again
"I need your opinion on something" Kurt says sitting in my chair
"Ok what is it?" I ask
"Ok, well, I have a friend whose a guy and he likes the guy he hangs out with all the time, but my friends gay, and he really likes his guy friend, but the problem is his guy friend is sending mixed signals, so now my friend doesn't know if he's interested or not, what should he do?" Kurt breaths out hopeful

I know his "friend" is him

"I say, just flirt some more, and if he flirts back, it's cause he likes you and you should go for it" I say plainly laying in my bed

Kurt looks shocked that I figured out his 'friend' was him.

"Well then, I'll take that into consideration," Kurt sits up straight
"but now that my problems are some what, half, not really solved, let's talk about you and Rachel, I know that's what you've been daydreaming about" Kurt smirks

How did he...but he???

"You know what Kurt, I don't know what you're talking about" I say lying through my teeth
"Just tell her how you feel, don't let her slip through your fingers because of your stupid pride" Kurt says walking out

Is he right? Do I really have feelings for Rachel that are strong enough for Kurt to point it out? Am I really letting my pride get in the way?
Rachel POV
I was finishing my homework when my door opened. I didn't want to speak to anyone. In fact I've started up the silent treatment towards Monica and Blaine. They can't boss me around so this is my punishment towards them. Monica doesn't really care but I see Blaine's look of hurt when I do it. Sure I feel bad, but then I remember how he ganged up on me with Monica about Finn.

"Rachie? Can I come in?"

Blaine, of course. I ignore him and continue my work. Even though I just finished. I hear the door close. I assume he's gone

"I know you're mad but I have something very important to tell you" Blaine continues

I just roll my eyes and spin my chair to face him. I may be mad, but he's still my brother and I still deserve to know what bugging him. So I just cross my arms and lift an eyebrow

"The only reason I don't support you and Finn together, is because I'm worried and jealous, I'm worried because he's still the bad boy player who girls cry over," Blaine stops checking if I'm listening

I just lean in for him to continue

"I'm jealous because I see how he looks at you, and how you look at him, which makes me jealous, but then I get angry" Blaine says on the verge of tears

"I get angry because you're normal, and I wish I was normal too" Blaine says with tears

I sit on the bed with him

"Blaine you are normal" I say comforting him

"no I'm not, because you like boys the way I'm suppose to like girls," Blaine cries harder

I just hug him and hold him as he cries because I think he just..

"I'm gay Rachel, please don't hate me"

Yup he just,

"It's ok Blaine, I could never hate you, you're my brother and I will always love you for who you are, no matter what, ok? Don't forget that" I say comforting him

I just found out my brother is gay and I'm ok with that.

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