Oh baby!

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"Congrats Berry" Santana smiles bringing me form my haze,

I smile back just as Monica comes in and throws Blaine his clothes and Santana a pair of my clothes. She walks over and hands me mine. I get up and go to the bathroom to change. I do it quickly so I can go see Finn. Then I remember the sonogram and how Finn would probably want a picture of his son or daughter when he wakes up.

So I walk out and see the nurse walk in,

"Let's go the sonogram room" she smiled

I walked out and followed her as I saw Sam sitting in a chair with his head down. I was about to go all Incredible Hulk on him but Monica pushed me to keep walking as Santana went over and slapped the crap out of him. She slowly walked back without another word being said.

We all stopped at the room

"With all due respect, but only two people can go in with her" the nurse explained

Kurt sat down in a chair signaling he was good waiting, Monica went to the seat smiling sincere.

"Next appointment" she smiled

I smiled back grateful as Santana, Blaine and I walked in. The nurse told me to lay down, so I did. She set up some machines. Blaine sat down excited as Santana stood above me making sure I was alright. I was still worried about Finn.

I should be here with him, not Santana and Blaine, as much as I love them. I just want to run out and wake Finn up so we can live happily ever after. But we all know that's never going to happen.

"Please lift up your shirt" the nurse said

I did as I was told. I know no one else couldn't really tell, but I saw the tiniest bump ever. I mean I'm a cheerleader so I'm like super toned, but now I have a little itty bitty bump where my child is taking residence.

"This going to be cold" she told me squirting the blue gel

She moved the wand around as Santana and Blaine stared at the little blob intently.

"That's your baby, your one month pregnant so you can't see much, so we won't be able to tell the gender till the next month or two" she explained

I just stared at the screen crying

"Since your pregnant your hormones will be all over the place, and it's very normal to have back pains or swollen feet, also morning sickness will indicate the baby is growing properly"

"How long will the morning sickness last?" Blaine asked

I had been throwing this whole month. Dad wanted to take me to the hospital!

"Maybe three- four months" she explained

I groaned, I hate morning sickness. It's not even the mornings, it's more like all day sickness.

"You're file says you're a vegan, but do you realize you need protein?" The nurse asked

I squeaked, I don't like meat, it makes me feel like a monster

"You have to be the healthiest person ever, when your pregnant , so no more vegan, I'm sorry" she explained

"Ok" I whine
"Would you like pictures?" She asked trying to lighten the mood
"Yes please" I say
"I'll be right back" she says leaving

I lay my head back and wait in silence. Hoping, praying Finn is ok.

"Dad!! Mom! Look! "

The little kid yelled at me. Who are they talking too?

"Rosie's walking!! Look! Mama! Take a picture!"

I look over and see a little girl walking to the kid who looks eight or so. Then I hear her

"Oh My Goodness! You're right! My baby's walking!"

Rachel POV
The morning was dawning upon us and I still hadn't left Finns side. As soon as they let visitors, I stayed. Finns mom passed by and I met her. She insisted I go home, but I just couldn't leave him.

Also I don't know how, but she just knew, she just, she knew, about me being pregnant. She insisted it was the pregnancy glow that gave me away. But I think she saw the sonogram photo. She was strangely ok with it. Which I am forever grateful for.

Finn has three broken ribs and a concussion, and he broke his left leg. I feel like this is all my fault, so I start crying for like the millionth time.

Monica stayed behind while everyone else went to get some sleep. Sam was here but Santana drove him away. Good. This is all his fault too. If I had seen him I would've slapped him, and slapped him hard.

I slowly felt my eyes closing as I held Finns hand by his bedside.

A couple hours later



I heard Finn croak. I immediately woke up and saw Finns eyes open. I don't know how long I was asleep but Monica had entered the room and quickly left for a doctor. I jumped on the bed and hugged Finn,

"Ow" he sighed
"Oops, sorry" I said feeling bad

He smiled and hugged me back. I was so happy he was awake.

"You had me so worried, Finn, don't ever do that again" I yelled crying
"Hey, hey, look I'm ok" he pulled away wiping my tears

Damn hormones.

"Just don't scare me, I thought I lost you for a minute there" I said wiping the tears
"Well you didn't loose me, I'm here to stay Rachel, I love you" Finn said hugging me

I just hugged him back being careful with his ribs

"I love you too," I hug still, careful to never let him go

Then I remembered, I haven't told him yet, so I pull away

"Finn," I say looking at him
"Rachel, what's wrong?" He asks
"I have something to show you" I say

I quickly breath out and open up my purse pulling out the photo. I was so scared as I handed it to him, he grabbed it touching the edges and staring at it,

"Baby?" He asked looking up at me

I bit my lip and nodded


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