The Bet's Off

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Rachel POV
After Blaine told me he was gay, I comforted him, and when he was done crying, he told me I was the only one who knew. Except for the guy he liked whose name is Kurt Hummel. Finns step brother. He wanted advice on how to ask Kurt out because he really liked him, so I gave him advise. In the meanwhile he 'gave his permission' for me to date Finn. *eye roll* as if his approval mattered to me to begin with.

It's Monday and now with Blaine out of the way I can sorta of easily talk to Finn. My only problem is Monica but she's busy with her own friends and high school life. So I'm good for about ten minutes. I see Finn getting off his bike
Finn POV
Kurt's right I need to get my pride out of my own damn way. Otherwise I risk loosing Rachel. But then I thought about it some more, and the bet risks me loosing her. So I have to call it off before I do anything with Rachel.


I hear Rachel voice

"Can I talk to you?" She asks while waiting by the sidewalk as I park my motorcycle
"Sure" I say taking off my helmet
"What are we?" She asks unexpectedly "because I really like you Finn" she continues

Yes! She likes me back. But I have to play it cool, don't mess up Hudson,

"What do you want us to be, because I really like you too rach" I say

Ughh, I hope I didn't sound dumb

"I think I might want to be something more than friends" she says looking down

I lift her chin up to face me,

"Well than lets be more than friends" I say

I don't even think but I slowly lean in to see if she'll kiss me, but then she kisses me first. Her lips are so soft and inviting, so I can't help but to slip in a little tongue action. We pull away for air.

"I guess we're more than friends now" Rachel bites her lip

Let me just say, damn does that lip bite make her look even more hot.

"I guess so" I smirk

She smiles more and walks away. Now that she's gone I need to find azimio and karofstky. They can't know I'm seeing Rachel, without me telling them the bets off. It'll ruin all my chances with her.
Later that day

"Azimio! Karofstky!" I yell at the two meat heads
"What's up Hudson" azimio greets
"I'm here to tell you the bets off" I say stern

They look at each other and laugh

"Why? Because now you realize you actually have feelings for the short Jewish cheerio?" Karofstky laughs

"That's exactly why" I answer confident
"Well then you better hope she never finds out about this," azimio says smug
"Yeah wouldn't want her to find out what your original intentions were" karofstky laughs

They walk away, but I'm still unsure if they were being sarcastic, or if they just don't care anymore. Whatever as long as they don't say shit, I'm good. I have to find Rachel now.
???? POV
I heard everything, and I think I might give Monica's or even Sam a little visit about this little bet. I mean prom is soon, so this should be fun.

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