Don't Tell Me

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Monica POV
I've been waiting for Rachel to come home for almost thirty minutes now. What is that girl doing? I hope that person was wrong and my sweet little sister isn't dating that horrible heartbreaker Finn Hudson. She deserves so much better than someone whose going to break her heart.

I came home right after soccer practice, Blaine said he's going got his friend Kurt's house. Kurt. What a strange name. Blaine's been going a lot, just like Rachel. I'm going to have to confront them about that. Especially since dad's still working right now. I guess I'll just talk to Rachel.

The front door opens
Rachel POV
I arrive home on Finns motorcycle, and I see the cars are all gone. Which means no ones home.

Finns stayed over before and left through the window because Monica decided she wanted to barge into my room uninvited. We haven't done the nasty yet, and Finns so sweet about it. Also I haven't really spoken to Monica, with Finn and blaine and Cheerios practice along with going out with my girls shopping. I'm a busy girl.

"Listen I'm going to go home to help my mom, but call me later" Finn said dropout me off at my front door
"Ok" I smile kissing him

I watch him get on his bike and leave. Is it too early to say that I love him? Because I'm pretty sure I do. We've been dating for almost three months, but I love him, I love Finn Hudson. I wonder if he feels the same.

I walk in and go all the way upstairs. I check my phone and see a text from Blaine

🙇🏻Blaine☀️: staying with Kurt, I'll be home late, don't wait up😘love you and good night💕

💁🏻Me🌟: ok😘love you 💕and good night too💫

I close my messages and start my homework. I was half way done when my door opens. It's Monica, oh, I didn't know she was home.

"Hey, didn't here you come in" she said sitting on my bed
"Oh well, I've just been here" I reply
"Listen, do you know a Quinn Fabray?"she asks
"Ugh, unfortunately, the girl hates me and tries to ruin my life" I complain

She shifts uncomfortable

"Why?" I ask
"No reason, just curious" she answers immediately
"O-OK" I say
"Can you do me a favor?" She asks again
"Sure" I say
"Stop seeing Finn Hudson" she said protective

I get up irritated

"What? You can't tell me who I can date or not" I say mad
"Please Rachel, listen to me he's bad for you," she pleads while standing up
"How would you know? You don't even give him a chance! He's not a bad guy!" I defend
"Rachel listen to me, Finns bad" she answers
"No! I love him and there's nothing you can do about it!" I yell

Then I covered my mouth, did I just say that out loud? I can tell by Monica's face, that I did indeed. I grabbed my bag and walked out.

"Where are you going?" She asked as I headed down the stairs
"None of your business" I say mad
"Rachel please don't," she says as I open the door
"Don't wait up" I say closing the door hard

I run to Finns house even though it's seven at night and I'm cold and crying. After, what seemed forever, I reached Finns house. My dads probably too busy working to notice I left and Monica is probably in her room doing whatever. I knock the door and it opens to reveal Finn....with no shirt.

"Rachel?" Finns asks seeing me

I was crying and cold so he pulled me inside. I cry into his chest as he pulls me to his room. The kitchen and living room are empty. So I don't know whose here, but I know kurt lives here.

"Your brothers in the next room if you want to go talk to him" Finn asks

I nod my head as I sit down but then I get up,

"Can we go for a drive?" I ask not wanting to be in the same house as my brother
"First tell me what's wrong," Finn demands
"Monica knows, and she asked me to stop seeing you" I cry

Finn hugged me and let me cry my tears out. I pull away as Finn looks at me, still with no shirt,

"Maybe she's right, and you should break up with me" he says sad
"No," I say shaking my head and wiping my, tears " it won't change the fact that, I-I love you" I breathe out

Finn looks at me as I say it, I get kind of nervous but then he kisses me

"I love you too" he smiles as our foreheads touch

I smile, glad that he said back

"But are you sure you want to be with me? Even if it mean trouble with your sister?" He asks insecure

I hold his face

"Yes, because I love you and my sister needs to accept that" I say

Then I kiss him again, he stands up after and I look up at him

"Where are you going?" I ask as he puts shirt over his perfectly toned body
"You wanted to go for a ride didn't you?" He smiled holding out his hand

I smile because he knows me so well, and I take his hand.

"Let's go for a ride" I smile

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