Go Away

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After watching two more chick flicks

"Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs darling,"

Santana and Kurt and I mouthed along to our favorite movie heathers. Santana had her cup of coffee and Kurt had stolen the refilled popcorn from me. We were still waiting for Britney when the doorbell rang. Santana jumped up

"I'll get it!" She yelled even though we were sitting right next to her
"Someone's excited" Kurt said amused

We all know Santana has a crush on Britney

"Shut it lady lips" Santana says opening the door

I laugh because Santana nicknames are always funny. Santana was laughing at her own insult as Kurt did his sarcastic laugh when we heard Santana stop laughing.

"Nope, no way, get out tubers, she doesn't want to see you"

I heard her say, tubers, she's obviously talking to Finn. I started to feel the urge to cry. Just when I was starting to forget about him.
Finn POV
After I ditched school, I went straight home. Only when I got there all of Rachel's stuff was gone, along with her baby magazines. I almost broke a chair by kicking it. I decided to search everywhere.

I went to her dads house. Blaine was there to give me a good punch in the face. It didn't really hurt considering I'm so much stronger than him. So I left. Then I went to her favorite ice cream shop, nothing, the park, nothing, my house, nothing. Finally I decided that she would really only be in one place. So that's why I'm here.

"Nope, no way, get out tubers, she doesn't want to see you"

Was how I was greeted. I could hear the noise of one of their favorite movies. Heathers. Of course she's watching that here, Santana doesn't have funny girl. I needed to see her.

"Please just let me see her" I beg
"Go away pilsbury dough boy" Santana insulted
"Can I at least talk to her, make sure she's ok?" I plead

Santana looked at me like I grew a third head or something.

"Seriously? She's obviously not ok! Do you seriously think after today she wants anything to do with an ocean creature the size of Mount Rushmore, no! You've hurt her enough so time to kiss my front door"

With that she slammed the door in my face. Should've seen that one coming. She's right though. Rachel's never going to speak to me again. I've really screwed up this time. Gosh, I'm so stupid!
Rachel POV
As soon as I heard the door close I burst into tears. Kurt paused the movie and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry" Kurt said comforting me

I didn't say anything I just cried. It's only been a couple of hours, but I miss him already. I don't want to miss him, I just want to know if anything we ever had was real. Santana walked in.

"Orca is gone" Santana confirmed

She sat down and rubbed my back. Everyone seems to be doing that. So I pull my face from Kurt's chest, and say

"Where the hell is Britney!??"

Santana and Kurt just laugh, I decide to laugh along. Maybe it'll get better soon. But for now, I seriously doubt that.

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