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Rachel POV
I have now moved back home. It's a little weird not sitting next to Santana on the couch and watching desperate housewives. But now I'm here with Finn. It's awkward since I haven't forgiven him. But he's still attentive and we still talk about the baby. Like last night he did the sweetest thing ever.


"Rachel, I have a name for the baby" Finn said walking into our room

I just sat there and placed the book across my belly.

"Ok what is it?" I ask curious
"I can't say it without giving away the gender" he explains biting his lip

Oh damn it, why is he so hot?

"Uh-um just tell me" I stutter

He comes closer and sits on the bed

"Actually I wanted to show you" he said

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Then he grabbed my hand and helped me into the nursery. He opened it and it was so beautiful, I almost cried. He led me to the giant teddy bear on the rocking chair.

I love the nursery, Noah and Finn sure went all out.

On the giant teddy bear was q sticky note and it said, for (name) I held me hand to my chest because it was just so darn cute.

"Do you like it?" Finn asked timid

I turned to face him and it felt like the past couple weeks had gone away, so I just hugged him. I pulled away even though I knew he wanted more, but he understood my boundaries,

"I love it" I smile
"I'm glad you like it" Finn smiled

I stood there looking at everything and I saw Finn hesitate, but in the end he kissed my cheek and walked out the room. I held my cheek and wanted to cry again. I miss him, I really do, but I can't forgive him, not yet, I just can't.

Later that night

"Rachel, do you want some loli pops?" Finn asked waking into the room

I was laying down with my eyes closed, trying to sleep. But this baby was not having it. It seems my baby loves to play soccer with mommys organs. I felt Finn walk over and kiss my forehead

"I love you" he said thinking I was asleep

I tried not to squint my eyes in sadness, and then I heard the door open back up and it came out

"Finn?" I said opening my eyes

It's like I had no control over what came out of my mouth

"Yes Rachel?" He answered
"Can you stay with me tonight?" I ask shy

He shows me his panty dropping side smile and nodded yes

"Sure" he said happy

I felt him wrap his arms around me as I let his warm embrace around me. I closed my eyes and breathed in letting him hold me. For once, in a long time, everything felt like it was going to be ok

End of flashback

But that was last night. Now it's time for school and the only thing I regret, is not regretting last night.

During school

Santana POV
I was walking Rachel to class when we saw frankenteen watching us closely. He seems to be doing that a lot. Even when Rachel moved back home. I was kind of sad when she did, I miss my movie buddy who I scream and throw stuff at the tv. Now the house feels empty. But it's ok, I started talking with Britney, and lately we've been doing a lot of talking with our tongues.
Rachel POV
Before Santana left I saw her doing her devious smirk, something tells me, A) she found away to rule the world B) someone's about to get fucked over or C) she's thinking naughty things. I just laugh to myself, I know Santana to well.

Kurt walked in and we started to talk when Quinn walked over with her minions close behind.

"Gross" Quinn said sitting behind me rolling her eyes

I decide to turn back to face her

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there" I answer amused

Kurt laughed along with everyone else, just as the teacher walked in. Not giving Quinn a chance to retaliate.

Sometime in class

"Mr.Burkins, Rachel peed!" Britney yelled as the teacher turned around,

As I sat there stunned at what had just happened. Kurt started freaking out pacing the floor. It hurt so bad, so I just grabbed Kurt by the collar and yelled

Finn POV
I was bored out of my mind in math class. I started to think of Rachel and how pretty she is, and the way her hair always smells like strawberries. When all of a sudden Blaine runs in

"FINN!!"he yelled grabbing my attention

I looked up and Monica was right next to him smiling

"It's time" they both said

I got up and left excited. Looks like today I get to meet my baby.

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