Who done it?

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Finn POV
After Rachel left I started to cry, after I hit the locker. Damn it, she wasn't suppose to know, at least not like this. We have a baby on the way and I think my girlfriend just broke up with me. Over one stupid bet I made before I realized how incredible she is.

I held my head in my hands when I felt someone's hand on my back, I knew it wasn't Rachel, when it's her touch, it feels different. So I don't know who it is.

"Finn let's go clean up your hand"


I didn't even realize it was bleeding. I looked up to find Kurt he had a disappointed look on his face. He was also alone. Usually he's with Blaine.

"Is it true?" Kurt whispered as he bandaged up my hands

I didn't answer, I didn't want to. It would just make this situation more real. I think Kurt knew too, which is why he didn't say anything. When he finished he stepped back as I stood up. I wanted to break down and cry. But I need to know is how everyone knows now.

"How did you know, how did she find out" I ask hesitant
"It's all over the schools newspaper" Kurt answers

I instantly got mad because I think I know who did this. The only other person who knows. I started walking out the door.

"Please don't do anything stupid," I hear Kurt plead

I ignore him and go find them

In the locker rooms


I ran in and saw them both there talking as if nothing happened. This made me even more mad so I pushed them both against the lockers holding them against the lockers with my arm

"Why did you do it!??? Why would you tell her!???" I yell angry

They both looked scared because I was a pretty scary dude when I was angry.

"Look man, we didn't tell her" azimio said trying to out his hands up in surrender
"Then who did!!???? You were the only ones who knew!!!" I yell mad
"It wasn't us, she asked us to do it, but we didn't want to with you two having a baby on the way" karofstky added
"Who is she!!?? Or are you lying about that too!?"  I yell

Before either of their scared faces could respond I heard someone say

"It wasn't them"

I turn and I see Sam. I haven't spoken to him since the accident. I let go of azimio and karofstky and walk over to Sam.

"Then who was it?" I ask
"Our ex-girlfriend, the one and only Quinn Fabray" Sam replied unamused

I look at him and it doesn't look like he's lying. I heard azimio and karofstky scurry off as I looked at Sam.

"I never dated Quinn, I just slept with her," I answered

Sam rose his eyebrow as if to question when I did this

"Before Rachel, obviously" I mutter the last part "how do you know it was her?" I add

"Simple, she's a stuck up bitch who is bragging about ruining your relationship with Rachel" Sam shrugged as if it were that simple

I just sit down, why? What did Rachel ever do to her?

"Why would she do this?" I ask to myself out loud

Sam takes a seat

"Because she thinks Rachel keeps stealing her guys" he answered

I looked at him, me I understand, but him? Since when is Rachel stealing Sam. Last time I checked she dated him first, then broke up with him for me. Before Quinn. As if he could tell my confusions Sam started explaining,

"I went to Rachel to apologize for what happened at prom, Quinn saw and assumed the worst"

I looked at him, and just bowed my head down

"She's never going to forgive me"
"Give her time, I mean she is having your baby, she'll have to forgive you eventually " Sam said getting up

I let him leave without another word. I want to go home, because right now, I am so done with school. Especially it's stupid newspaper.

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