Chapter 11.

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*Ella's POV*

I was sitting in my flat when i heard someone rapidly knocking on the door. It couldn't have been Andy, it was only 7. He said he'd be here at 8. I went to open the door and was faced with a ragged Harry.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi." He sounded out of breath and he looked like he had ran all the way here.

"What are yo-" But i couldn't finish as Harry had already crashed his lips onto mine. I was surprised at first then, i closed my eyes and realised i enjoyed it. But i shouldn't enjoy it. I pushed him off me and stared at him.

"Sorry. I had to do it." He said, still looking stunned.

"Um, what the hell was that?!"

"It was what i've been waiting to do since the minute you got off that plane. But you kept talking about that god damn ex of yours and i couldn't fucking do it." He said. He's so sexy when he swears.

"Come in here!" I said, realising people could hear us as we were standing at my door. I pulled him in to my flat and closed the door. He walked to my couch and sat down, patting the spot next to him. I sat next to him, although i didn't like Harry in that way, he is very attractive. I'm surprised he's single.

"So..." He said. Really?

"Harry, you can't just come over here, kiss me and then just say 'so'! It doesn't make sense!" i sighed.

"Ella, i'm sorry. You're just so hot and sexy..." He trailed off as he put his fingers on my chin and put his lips on mine. I immediatly pulled away.

"Harry. Andy's gonna be here any minute now i-"

"I fucking knew it! I KNEW YOU'D GO CRAWLING BACK TO THAT DOUCHEBAG!" He shouted, standing up.

"Calm down!" I said, standing up too.



"WOULDN'T HE? ARE YOU FUCKING SURE?" He shouted again, getting right up close to me.


"Ella?" I heard a liverpool accent say from behind me.

"Andy!" I said turning around. Before i did, Harry froze.

"What's going on?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"Uum, i was just leaving." Harry said, smiling. How could he?

"Oh. Bye then, mate!" Andy said, smiling at him. Harry nodded and walked out the door.

"So..." I said.

"Why was he here?" He said, teeth gritted.

"He came to see if i was alright."

"That's why your lipstick was all over his lips." He said.

"Andy, it's not what you think."

"Really? What is it then? Cause it sure looks like you were eating his face."

"It wasn't like that."

"What did he do, force it on you? Cause there's laws against that."

"No, he didn't, let's just forget about it."

"I don't know if i can. You told me, you loved me."

"Yeah, you told me you loved me as well, obviously not enough though, considering you dumped me."

"Im here, aren't i?"

"That's not the point."

"Oh fuck this, i'm done." He said, walking towards the door.

"Andy!" I shouted.

"What?!" He shouted back, turning around and looking me in the eyes. His face Many emotions ran through me. Do it. Should i tell him? Just do it. He'll hate me. It's worth a shot. No. Just do it.

"I'm pregnant."

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