Chapter 19. (THE END)

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***ANDY'S POV***

We were walking through alleyways and side streets, desperatley searching for Ella. It was killing me, that last thing i said to her was that i was sick of her. I wasn't. I loved her. I obviously looked a bit worried, as Joel patted me on the shoulder.

"Mate, we'll find her." He said.

"I keep thinking the worst. What if she's dead? What if someone's killed her? I can't do it, i dont want to do it without her. We're engaged!" I said.

"It's probably some crazed stalker fan. " Joel said.

"I'll kill whoever did it." I said, "Mark my words. I'll kill them." 

"Mate, i think Ryan's taking it worse that the lot of us." Adam whispered.

"Yeah, he's known her his whole life." Joel said quietly. Ryan was walking ahead of us, head down and hands in his pockets. He did look rough.

"Should we say something?" I asked.

"Nah, he's probably bricking it." Joel replied, dismissing my suggestion. We kept searching, until Ryan shouted from in front.

"Isn't this Ella's scarf?!" He shouted, his voice full of hope. I looked at it closely. It was Ella's scarf.

"Yeah!" I said, running to Ryan, Joel and Adam following me.

"What's that?" Joel asked, pointing to a red mark. Please don't be blood.

"Looks like blood." Adam said, looking closely.

"Don't say that." Ryan said, his voice breaking and his eyes literally filling with tears. Joel looked at Adam and Adam nodded, signalling that it was blood. And Ella was in danger.

"She can't be that far off then! She'll be quite close!" I said, keeping up hope.

"Andy's right!" Joel said, cheerfully.

"Let's keep walking then." Adam smiled. We trekked on, not actually sure which way to go when Joel stopped suddenly. 

"What?" I said.

"Can you hear that?" He said, narrowing his eyes, his features meerkat-like.

"Hear what?" Ryan said.

"That shouting." Joel said.

"Yeah..." Adam said. Me and Ryan glanced at each other. Then Joel, then Adam.

"This way." Joel said, slowly stepping towards where he heard the 'shouting'.

"In here?" Adam said. 

"Its stopped." Joel said.

"What did it sound like?!" Ryan said frantically.

"Like a girl shouting, and then someone saying be quiet. Then screaming. Then it stopped. Like it had been killed, or turned off?" Joel explained.

"Did it sound like Ella?" Ryan asked. His voice was quiet and hurt. He had been crying when he thought we weren't watching. But we had noticed. I didn't understand why he was so upset. Sure, he had known El for ages, but still?

"A bit, I don't know." Joel said. I heard a door open behind us and then a man walk out in a big black jacket with his back turned to us, and walking the opposite way.

"Lads." I whispered, pointing to the man. We jumped behind a corner and i looked round the wall. The man looked behind him and i hid. My breathe caught in my throat as i had seen blood dripping off of his hands. He walked towards the end of the alleyway, and he met with another man who was wearing a blue jacket, and a baseball cap. They shook hands, and the man with the blue jacket handed over a packadge.

"Whats happening?" Joel whispered.

"Shh. They're talking." I whispered back.

"It's all there." The blue jacket man said.

"Right. Jobs done, she's dead." The man in the black jacket said. Dead...?

"Perfect. See ya." The blue jacketed man said. They both walked off in seperate directions and Ryan jumped in front of me, racing to the door the man had come out of. He opened the door and stopped in his tracks. His face paled.

"Ry! Ry, come back!" Joel said.

"She's in here." Ryan said, pointing. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"What?" Adam said. We ran to him and saw what he was looking at. Ella.

"Why is she bleeding?" Joel said.

"Why isn't she moving?" Ryan said. Adam slipped between us and walked into the building. He walked slowly to Ella, put two fingers to her neck, then leaned his ear to her mouth. 

"She's breathing." Adam said. We all stayed where we were. Ella slowly moved her arm, so her hand was touching adams side.

"Andy?" She said softly. 

"No, babe, it's Adam." He said quietly.

"Where's Andy?" She asked. I walked over and kneeled down to Ella. I was crying. Pull yourself together man.

"El?" I said.

"Andy. I'm so sorry." She said. Her stomach was red and bloody. She looked tired, like she had been fighting someone off.

"Phone an ambulance." I said to Adam, "NOW!" 

"Andy, it's too late, they've done their damage." Ella said.

"Don't say that sweetheart." I said.

"I love you. I love you very much. And i want you to know that." She said. 

"No, you save your energy." I said. Adam was speaking to the ambulance people on the phone.

"I'm sorry." She said. Tears escaped her eyes.

"What happened, baby?" I asked.

"They hurt me, Andy."


"They- They r-raped me." She said. She looked so helpless.

"Oh Ella." I said. She held my hand and squeezed.

"I'm sorry, i wasn't good enough." She whispered. I leaned down and kissed her gently.

"No, no, you're perfect. Just perfect, if anything you were too good." I sniffed. She smiled softly.

"Dont forget me, Andy." She whispered.

"I wont. I love you so much, Ella." 

"I love you too. Where's Joel and Ryan?" She asked.

"Over there." 

"Send them over?"

"Yeah, of course i will." I said. I signalled to Ryan and Joel and they walked over. They sat down and Ella said goodbye. Ryan cried. Joel tried not to. But i was a mess. Adam was holding it together like always. Ella stopped talking all of a sudden, and i heard sirens outside. Adam checked her pulse, and her hand went cold in mine.

"She's gone." Adam said.

"NO! NO. Ella! Ella please! I'm begging you! ELLA!" I finally let it all out and cried. Adam hugged me while the paramedics put Ella into a bag. Putting my whole life into a bag. All my love into a bag. Gone. 


"She's our guardian angel now." Joel said softly, as we stood watching Liam, Geoff, Maz and Harry carry Ella's coffin to her grave.

"She was always an angel." I said. Ryan put his arm around my shoulder as i let the wet substance fall from my eyes. She really was gone. Someone had taken my baby, raped her and killed her. My darling. My sweetheart. My fiance. The love of my life. She was gone. 

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