Chapter 13.

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*Ella's POV*

I stepped off the plane and went to collect my bags, Andy right behind me. We hadn't spoken the whole plane ride, apart from the occasional "Can you move please?" When he was trying to get past to go to the toilet. Its like he's become a different person over the space of barely 14 hours. I was sure all this stress wasn't good for the baby. I collected my bags and we waited for Adam to come and pick us up. I still hadn't said anything to him. I couldn't. I was too scared.

When we got back to the house, all the boys were happy to see me. Although as soon as we got home, Joel pulled me into the kitchen to talk. He closed the door and looked at me sternly.

"What is going on." He said, a serious tone to his voice. I sighed and sat down at the breakfast bar.

"He's just been acting weird, you know? Like, he was being really protective."

"Over protective?" He raised one eyebrow.

"Yeah. Harry texted me and he went ballistic."

"That's not an Andy thing to do." Joel said. He looked genuinely surprised.

"You're telling me." I sighed. He looked right in my eyes, and i could sense he was taken aback by this. I felt myself tear up slightly just thinking about having some angry man fathering my child.

"Hey, don't cry." Joel said. He pulled me closer and hugged me.

"Joel, you didn't see what he was like. I'm scared, Joel, im really really scared."

*Joel's POV*

I cuddled Ella, she looked broken. I felt her heave, as if she was going to be sick, so i let her go and she ran to the toilet, fast as a lighting bolt.

"El? Ella?! El, are you okay?" I said, running after her. The bathroom was right next to the kitchen, so she didnt have to go far. I could hear her gagging and coughing. Eventually i sat against the wall, "Ella? Ella, please tell me you're okay?" I said, then i heard the toilet flushing. She walked out, pale and red eyed.

"Joel, i'm gonna go to bed, i'm a bit tired." She said, blankly.

"I'll come up too-"

"No. Don't. Please." She said. I nodded and she walked up to her room. I walked to the living room to see the rest of the boys sitting there. I looked right at Andy.

"You." I said.

"Me?" He questioned.

"She's fucking broken, Andy! What the hell were you thinking?!" I shouted.

"Joel, mate, stay calm." Adam said. Always the peace keeper.

"No! I wont calm down, Ads! HE'S A FUCKING MONSTER. She's scared Andy, can't you see that? She was crying, she's depressed. All because of you! You being a dick head! Just because Mollie cheated and the rest of your little girl toys cheated, doesn't mean she will! Alright?!" I yelled.

"Joel i-" He started.

"No. Save it. Fucking save it." I said, shaking my head. I walked up to El's room and opened the door. She was sitting, staring at a picture. A negative picture. Like a baby scan. It is a baby scan.

"Who's that?" She said. Her voice tear filled.

"It's joel." I said.

"Oh." I walked closer to her and hugged her.

"Whats wrong?" The next words she said hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Joel, I lost the baby."

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