Chapter 3 ⚽️ Run With The Wind

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With their newfound way of transport, they came upon the green bars around the elementary school.

The gleaming green had been dotted by pink flowers under the name of Yuuka. Two years and they still remained as though he was passing newly added ones on the way to the hospital.

They didn't stand tall anymore. Some bended to the will of the ground, other shattered off their place, and son rolled down the street. Firemem, ambulances, and police officers filled the space inside.

There were two large groups, separated themselves in half. One rescued, tended to the injured, and pulled debris away, securing quicker paths.

The other half tried to keep the the territory from clutter, calm the people, and fill hectic parents with hope and patience.

"I didn't think it would be this bad..." Kazemaru commented under his breath.

Gouenji dove into the swarm around the ambulances. Where all were searching and calling for their loved ones. He pushed through, not but none had the pigtails he braided that very morning.

"Yuuka!" He hollered enough to reach the sun.

Kidou automatically followed suit as Kazemaru turned the hover scooter back into a keychain and locked it to his bracelet and leaned the skate board away from any possible oblivious steps.

Gouenji followed every trail at once, turning direction at every second in the heating rush. He scanned over them like a net filled with fish. He was only after one, but no matter how many he caught that resembled, none matched in the end.

Kidou had him halt, pulling him back the shoulder. "You won't find Yuuka in this frenzy, trust me, you need to calm down."

Kidou recognised the strain behind his black eyes, the tense in his shoulder, the impulsiveness growing between his joints.

Gouenji stilled himself, slowly nodding. They continued their survey through careful steps and planning. Still, no hint lead to Yuuka.

A new wave of children came running from the shortening building in tears, calling for their parents arms.

Gouenji noticed many of her friends there. He came as close as possible the barrier would let. "Yuuka!"

There was a police officer that lead them over the line, keeping other parents back. Gouenji edged to close.

"Sir, please stand be-"

"Have you seen a little girl with pigtails?" Came Gouenji's sudden demand.

"I'm sorry," The officer dropped the barrier line. "There's just to many people to take account. Wait and we'll see if we can find her."

Gouenji glare could've burnt the barrier holding him back to ashes. Maybe would've were it not for a voice that watered over the start of a fire.


"Sugata-sensei?" He went to the side of the barrier as she used the wall to reach.

A young woman whose smooth peachy skin this morning were now adorned with scratched and cuts, dirt patches like blush in her fat cheeks, came to him despite an obvious limp on her short stubby legs.

"Where's Yuuka?"

"I-I think she's stuck inside!" The elementary teacher had thick tears. "They asked for survivors to call out their names."

Gouenji heart felt a crushing blow at the building. It had once seen better days. Now it was built of cards, the delicate touch of a leaf would have it down at once.

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