Chapter 15 ⚽️ A Bloody Betrayal

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Hitomiko's sharp clap was the only sound that pulled the team's gazes off the disappearing port. "Clear off the deck and set yourself into your assigned rooms downstairs. Breakfast will be at 9 as will the briefing for the upcoming missions."

She glanced next to her. "Any objections, coach Kudou?" Her tone came as one would set up a dare.

His gaze stuck to hers. "None."

The team didn't wait for another word. The settled few lead the others down, Tsunami instructing like a tour guide would on a cruise, bringing their previous chatter back from the sombre silence.

Hiroto frowned hard and stalked up to Hitomiko. "You didn't take any of my calls or texts, then suddenly you show up here like you never disappeared. What's going on?"

"I know you have questions in need of answers," she insisted, "but they will only lead to more then I have time to cover on a short night. We need you to be well rested for the journey ahead."

He snapped. "How can I when I don't know what to expect now?"

"Hiroto, rest." She ordered. "I say this as your coach."

Hesitanatly, Achnodys came up to the coaches just then, hugging a few clipboards to her chest. "A word with you two?"

"I'll be right there." Hitomiko nodded, waiting until Kudou and the woman went into the control room.

"Kenzaki took the others-"

"I'm fully aware of that." She said, plainly. "We have a plan to get them back. Follow it, if that's what you want."

She turned to the control room without another word, leaving Hiroto to anger and assumptions under clouds shoving the moon's light.

Begrudgingly, Hiroto joined the group under the deck as they settled into their rooms. He would've just taken any bed then despite the clear list set up if it weren't for Endou's loud enthusiasm at the chance to share with him.

"Do you mind!" Natsumi scolded as the captain ran down the hall. "This is hardly the time to jump around like a wild horse!" One side of of the walls lead to rooms while the other side had 4 leading to an inner field.

Thanking Kabeyama for carrying her bags over, Natsumi scanned her room for the coming days, if not weeks, she'll be sharing with Bya and Fuyuka.

"Say, Fuyuka," Natsumi started as the girl was helping Bya untangle her heap of sneakers. "Would it be an exaggeration to assume there's some hostility between your father and coach Kira?"

Fuyuka meekly answered. "They aren't getting along that well...when they were deciding the room arrangements with Daisuke they didn't agree once, everytime one agreed, the other didn't."

"I see..." Natsumi crossed her arms and sat on her bed. "Let's hope it clears up as soon as possible."

"I don't know, Nats." Bya replied, thoughtfully. "What if a little competition between them is what the team needs?"


Kazemaru looked for his name and the room number on the hanging list. His heartbeat increased ever since the ship sailed, focusing on his surroundings was an impossible feat.

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