Chapter 12 ⚽️ Game of Tag

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"Stop this madness!"

It didn't matter how hard detective Onigawara yelled, Kenzaki and Taro's shots overpowered every sound. They broke through concrete, steel, and bones, silence was unattainable now.

Gouenji and Kidou were brought to a similar scene of the past, their senses agitated all at once, and just like that time, their eyes couldn't look away, a reliving fear struck them to the spot.

A heavy ball knocked down already weakened officers, driving them back like pins run over on a bowling lane. In a matter of minutes, the stadium resembled the coliseum then it ever did a football field. The small cracks they made on their way turned into gaping holes. All this to smoke out a single fire.

Detective Onigawara dodged a shot, jumping to the side, glaring as the ball returned to Taro's feet after a magnetising chant.

"You're going to bring the whole damn thing down on yourself, you madman." Detective Onigawara warned.

"What do we do now?" Bia covered her head with her arms as the whole seating platform shook wildly. "If we move they attack, if we sit they still attack us."

Kidou collected his thoughts, didn't waste any based on recurring high emotions. He cleared his throat deeply before he made their movement clear through the phone. "Stay low, we need to get out of here unnoticed. Especially you, Gouenji."

"What if they're after you two as well?" Gouenji made a safe distance off his spot of discovery. Enough that it would take carful sighting to spot him.

"With how berserk Kenzaki's going over you?" Bia gulped, "I don't think he's interested in us. At all."

An explosion bursted by Gouenji ears, two seats ahead of him, a shot came crashing through a trail of seats, a leaving a whole hole through three of them.

"Gouenji?" Kidou called in a frenzied worry. "Gouenji, are you there?"

"I'm...okay..." Gouenji sharply breathed along to a light cough. He didn't know what to make of the sight of the destruction. Didn't know how to move for a moment, if he even could.

On the field, Kenzaki and Taro kept attention to the players against them and walls around them. Hiroto was the main person to charge at the two, juggling offence and defence on his own, his goal was any card prisoners on them.

"Oi, Hiroto, not too close!" Detective Onigawara kept his steps close to the boy. He couldn't allow another casualty, not one that wasn't under his order.

The threat was clear, Taro kept one of the empty card between his fingers. Another act of mockery as it was held so lightly as if the wind could swipe it away any moment now.

"Return my friends." Hiroto demanded, seethingly.

The earth rumbled again, not from an earthquake this time. The south side collapsed under the walls made hollow, a cloud of dust and ash rose and rained over the toppled broken material.

Taro came close to Kenzaki. "We can't go all out, not if when we need that striker alive."

"Apologies." Kenzaki craned his neck, his eyes twitching as he searched for any minimum movement to indicate life on the mess that could have been a grave.

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