Chapter 9 ⚽️ Ignorance Is Bliss

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Kidou couldn't remember the last time he visited his previous high school. Teikoku Gakuen stood tall, no matter how brother the day got, the building was settled in I down shade, undisturbed.

He walked through the gates as though he never left them. The two years had kept the ground as new as the were first build as, the people surrounding them was where the change was found.

Some student he recognised as they do him, halting a few seconds as they watched him pass. Others passed simply passed by him unbeknownst. It was a certainly a change that was different.

He didn't waste much time and headed down one path only. To the Teikoku's soccer club, he still had the team's schedule down to the second in his heart.

That same heart sunk as he was stopped by a piece of paper pinned to the club's door. The main reason the school was fame, the biggest part of the school now closed.

He had to read at least three times to believe it wasn't an illusion of words that had a hold on him.

"Kidou-kun!" A voice pulled his gaze finally away. "For once the rumours were right."

"Kunika," Kidou greeted one of his previous managers.

She had one of palest skins, hair as purple that edged to black. Two large looped buns were held up by gold dotted tie, the same shin: adorning the tips of her cold ears.

Kunika was the only person whose eyes garnered attention over Kidou's in their school. Not one glimpse ever escape under her straight fringe that covered over them. Not even the wind crept under.

"A bit too early for reunion, don't you think?" No one knew how a gloomy smile as her could be so bright.

"What's going on?" Kidou demanded a clear cut answer.

Kunika took a quick guess at his question, then answered. "Its as you read, the club been disbanded until said otherwise."


"The detective said it was for the players safety." Kunika went on. "Something crazy must be going on if they even had to pull them from classes."

Kidou kept his curses within, and made way to the empty staircase behind Kunika.

She simply scoffed as he passed. "They're not home."

"Where then?"

"Not sure." The girl shrugged lightly. "They're spending random period of nights in different places with different people."

"I see..." These many questions were giving him an ache but that half of his friends were safe brought an inking of calm.

He went up the stairs. "Take care, Kunika."

"I feel like I should be saying that to you, Kidou-kun." Came the girl's ghastly reply.

Heading out and through the Teikoku grounds, everything still went on as before despite the change. Everything was the same around here, around him. He could understand the detective to this extent.

The first glimpse of change, surprisingly, came before Kidou passed the school gate. He couldn't miss the red head waiting across the street, a death grip to his phone. "Hiroto?"

"After being discharged I couldn't just sit back, heard you were snooping around." Hiroto walked along with him.

Before the two could have another word, Kidou's ringtone had their attention. It was a call he never hesitated to take, answered less then a millisecond. "Haruna?"

"Fuyuka's phone has been off for three days now." Haruna only added another mystery to Kidou's pile. "I'm worried, onii-chan."

Kidou was as well, but for her he kept his voice far from a hint of worry. "Kudou-kantoku must've taken her somewhere. It's probably for her safety."

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