Chapter 8 ⚽️ The Blank Pages

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It was late in the afternoon, the weather coloured the skies in a dull blue. Rain danced over the umbrella Sebastian held over Kazemaru's head.

Not a drip or drop was to stain his grey white suit, his neatly combed ponytail, or his new glossy white formal shoes.

In the car, Kazemaru stared with heavy eyelids at the drenched grass. His mind was anywhere but the present.

It took Sebastian a few tries to catch his attention. "Are you nervous, Ichirouta-sama?"

"I'm fine," Kazemaru said rather quietly.

"I know this isn't your idea of fun," Sebastian sighed. "but do give it a try? Your grandfather has been delighted for this coming day. He's been telling everyone about your debut."

Kazemaru noticed no change radiating from the man. Even as he came through the door, making a last call to his assistant. There was less frowning then usual, but still enough to have Kazemaru stray his view. At least directly.

"Your grandfather will be attending the after party as usual. I will drive you to the hospital then." Sebastian bargained.

Kazemaru widened eyes snapped to the butler's worn ones, his only smile before and during the party shone. "Thank you, Sebastian."

"No need for gratitude, it's my pleasure to take you," The smile of the butler seemed younger.

Besides his later plans, Kazemaru found a present delight during the car ride. His grandfather was kept on constant calls, a minute late was noticed by many, his attention was compelled off the boy.

Not that there was much that the two discussed. He couldn't remember such a thing, couldn't imagine it, nor did a dream dare.

The car parked by an area hard to come by people. Reserved for those who take the high end path, though they preferred confinement to their walls of gold.

There was was building with a lavish red carpet, despite the number of shoes, no footprint was left. By the door strung a red banner that read "The Kidou foundation welcomes you to the 18th annual charity event"

Kazmearu's face fell. In there was a sea of faces that passed by points of his life, never warranting his recognition. Kidou would be the first to see him, still one to many.

The gala shrunk in his eyes and no place was good enough to hide. The spotlight was lit that room.

Kazemaru's grandfather angled his brown tie, pushing his grandson by the shoulder. "Come on then, don't just stand there."

"Have a good time, young master." Sebastian encouragement was sent with a smile.

Kazemaru returned it with a somewhat gloomy expression as he followed his grandfather up the ivory steps. The young boy wouldn't raise his head.

Every corner of the grand floor was filled with people, ranging in age and stature of all the highest life, dressed in only the best of formal wear made a but day ago, no doubt they would not forget to mention the detail in their conversations.

The room was big enough that the or orchestra hired to play only sounded like it came through an old radio, the notes echoing over their heads. Their instruments reflected against the shimmering chandelier covering the oval ceiling.

Kazemaru's attention was by the many youngsters on the same scene that he feared to act through. Alongside their guardians, some stumbled awkwardly over their words as tycoons rambled on questions.

Answers the adults expected his and other starting futures to have noted down already.

There were the occasional ones that smoothly went with every word, no doubt a lot of preparation and practice done to make perfection seem clear in their upcoming lives.

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