Chapter 13 ⚽️ Origin of the Game

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Endou played as if it was his first time. Deprived of the game that held his heart, he could finally and truly breath between the pants. With Natsumi off to deal with her usual private schedule, the two boys spent half of their day together. Chasing the ball from each other's possession, time simply slipped from their attention until their legs gave out after no breaks taken. A feat only accomplished due to Aki's absence.

On the fresh grass found on the riverbank, Endou stretched out his limbs, laughter spilling through his deep breaths. A week without soccer was a lifetime passed to Endou, he craved the usual spark he got from the game. Kazemaru slowly settled to a sitting position before he let the wind sway him down and the grass tuck him.

"Ah, man, I feel so alive again!" It was the first instance the two said something since they came on the field.

"I noticed," Kazemaru agreed, laughing a little. "As always Endou Mamoru jumps right back into the game like nothing happened."

"I can't help it," Endou said, "I feel all itchy and icky if I don't play, even if I'm injured."

"It was your soccer that got us this far," His eyes glazing, the words seemed like a fact and they passed through Kazemaru as one.

Endou whipped his head to Kazemaru. "No, it was our soccer that got us this far."

Kazemaru didn't blink for a moment, eyes lightly wide as he slowly met Endou bright ones. Endou's reply sounded unrealistic, no, he'd never even thought of it. It surprised Kazemaru and he didn't know exactly why. It should have been a no brainer to be included in a team sport.

"Of course..." Kazemaru scoffed at himself, "Our soccer..." It was as weird for him to say as it was to hear. Somehow he couldn't believe in it fully and it showed in his face. He pulled his expression away from Endou and brought it to the sky to blow over. "I guess the athletics club still has some influence over me," he laughed at himself, "Sometimes I wonder if I really can call myself a soccer player."

Endou felt for his soccer ball, holding it over him as if it was the sun. "You are one of a kind."

"I..." Kazemaru memory wouldn't show proof to Endou's words. It wasn't so long ago that he returned to the field after he abandoned it. A memory he was sure was fresh to the others as his own. "I should be better then this."

It had Endou silent for a mere second. "When you first joined, I knew it wasn't because you had an interest in soccer, I was just a soccer freak that desperately wanted to keep the club open. I was really surprised when you came to see me up the hill."

"I didn't plan on going first," Kazemaru confessed lowly, "I never even thought about soccer before you came up to me, didn't think I would...but you had such a loud spirit, it was hard not to notice. The way you acted and talked, like you were on the top. I wondered if there were more people like you on the field." He let out a short laugh, "before I knew it, I was part of the soccer team."

Endou could smile fondly back at it now as he did then. There was a moment of silence as he thought of those days. Since then, the clubhouse shrunk, the field was a place for working and partying, soccer balls needed counting and equipment steadily updated to fit them. It was nothing like that before Kazemaru joined.

"I didn't think you'd stay after the match against Teikoku's team." Endou winced as if that match had just come to an end. "I was amazed how you stood up every single time they misused soccer to attack. Honestly...I believe you were the one who actually stopped the first shot."

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