Chapter 6 ⚽️ Threats For Dinner

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Taro didn't react much to the detective'a warninga or threats. He turned to Hibiki. "Your time has come, old man."

"That's not happening!" Endou stood his ground in front of his coach.

Hibiki coughed. "Endou, you can't!"

Endou wouldn't budge. "You don't know that!"

"But I do." Taro replied.

Sweat ran down Hibiki's face as the smoke cleared off. "Look!"

Part of the gym was gone, crumbling apart. Students ran in horror, injuries amidst them. A sight of the past Endou never thought would slip into their futures again.

Hibiki thawed them from their frozen state with his last order. "Get Hiroto out of here! Now!"

"I'm not going anywhere." Hiroto protested, gripping the door frame.

"Kabeyama, take Hiroto and leave!" Hibiki gritted.

Startled, kabeyama glanced unsurely between the two. Onigawara pushed Hiroto into Kabeyama's beefy hands.

"Handa, Shishido, help him get Hiroto out." The detective instructed further.

"Che," Taro cursed under his breath. "You're wasting precious time."

"Why are you doing this?" Endou demanded. "Kenzaki's only using soccer to hur-"

"Spare me your speeches." Taro snapped. "This is true soccer."

"It's not!" Endou snapped back. "Soccer isn't supposed to hurt!"

Taro brought his wrist up, lines of glowing purple appeared over his palm in a circled pattern. "Epistritanofi!"

A ball buried in the rubble pushed itself out, flying right into Taro's hand as magnet to metal.

Taro brought the ball to his chest, reciting in a language none could guess. "Pytaschi darrokku!"

A purple aura made its way around the ball Taro held it in his palm, aiming it ahead. "Move."

"Endou move!" Someoka's voice rung in the air. "That's how he trapped me!"

Endou didn't have time to move the slightest muscle.

Taro threw the ball, following it up, and kicked. It zoomed past an inch from Endou's head, eyes widening at the targets. "Watch out!"

Gouenji glanced around for a ball when  Shadow reflexively kicked a nearby one to Taro's. They took a breath of relief in, the same breath never came out.

Shadow's shot reflected back as if from a wall, it zipped back harder, and through the club house's roof, tiles shattered and rained down cuts.

Kabeyama stopped dead in his tracks, Handa and Shishido duck aside, he rolled to the floor, Hiroto under his wide chest.

"Kabeyama!" Endou called out.

Kabeyama raised a trembling hand. "I-I'm okay..."

Handa pulled Hiroto's arm over his shoulder. "Don't faint on me now, buddy."

Hiroto winced. "He's weaker...When he attacked us, he destroyed a row of trees with one shot."

"G-good to now." Handa gulped. "Let's get a move on it."

"Stay." Taro warning wasn't loud, yet all heard. "Epistritanofi!" The ball flew to his glowing palm. "Next shot won't miss."

"Leave them, it's me you're after!" Hibiki stepped away from Bia's supporting hands. "Take me and leave them."

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