Chapter 19 ⚽️ Employment Field

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"We're doing what now!" Tsunami's shout blasted out the caravan like an explosion.

Endou held his chin, squinted, and leaned into the poster Fudou held up in his fist in front of the caravan.

At the back, Kidou muted the team's chatter and conversed with his thoughts, calculating and analyzing the range of possibility and the many outcomes a plan set up by Fudou Akio could land them.

Slowly, he locked his goggled gaze unto Fudou's unyielding eyes, sharp as a new blade. Kidou stood, threw his unanswered questions on risks and hazards aside, and walked up and took the ripped poster in his own hands for a closer inspection.

Fudou leaned back and crossed his arms for a whole minute before he raised a challenging brow above his playful smirk. "Well?" The team's whispers and thoughts died down as well, all awaiting Kidou's share of the final say.

"You want us to earn the required match fee through working fro the academy today, tomorrow and, to top it off, as organizers and staff to their annual charity tomorrow evening?" Kidou glanced up at Fudou with a slight raise of a brow.

"More or less." Fudou confirmed, lazily then with emphasis. "Unless you see something wrong with it, playmaker?"

Kidou raised his other brow. "And Eadmund-san agreed to this scheme?"

"Kazemaru will back here with our rotas any second now." Fudou raised his other brow as well before teasing with a long hum. "Any other inquiries?"

Kidou glanced back at the poster, going through the idea for a third and last time. Finally, he turned toward his awaited and seated team members. "Seeing as that is our best and, truthfully, only option to getting the map piece, I have no qualms with it at this given moment."

Endou raised his hand and grinned. "Oh, oh! I wanna do work on the soccer field!"

"Oh, man!" Tsunami pouted, slumping down his seat. "And here I thought I'd get an early vacation out of this!"

Toramaru rolled up his sleeves and set his fists by his hips. "I don't mind at all! It's my kind of training!"

The chatter of work related tasks spread out inside the caravan. Kidou held back a light snicker, but his smile snuck out. "You're still able to catch me by surprise, Fudou."

"So, I've heard." Fudou replied, falling back on a seat. He closed his eyes and let out a breath through an amused smile.

Kidou frowned, dropping any questions before they could form. Mystery was the main part of Fudou's life, that was not changing in any way, shape, or form any time soon or coming. Besides, it threw out the little fun it brought along. That, however, would be Kidou's own mystery to keep, one he would never ever admit out loud, even to himself.

Kazemaru returned with a pile of rotas and a weave bin on wheels behind him. He handed each player a sheet of their role and tasks and the set uniforms that came along with it.

"Oh, yes! I got mail assistant!" Tormaru said, bubbling with more excitement than most could muster up. "What about you, Tobitaka-san? Gouenji-san?"

"Kitchen." Tobitaka said, combing through his pompadour.

Gouenji replied, reading through his rota. "Nurse assistant."

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