Chapter 14 ⚽️ Over the Seas

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"So..." Kabeyama gulped. "what now?"

Daisuke sucked in a deep breath. "We need to destroy that meteorite. To do that we need to get to the island."

"Where is it?" Natsumi asked, suspiciously.

"Locating it will be our first job," Daisuke explained. "Only one map was ever created and it was teared into pieces. Each hinting to where one of the others are kept. Only when all are brought together can we locate the island."

"When are we leaving?" Endou was ready. Prepared or not, he was on board for the long run.

Daisuke shared a look and a nod with Achnydys before he stood before them. He took out a pocket notebook from the inside of his coat and read out loud and clear.

"Endou Mamoru, Gouenji Shuuya, Kidou Yuuto, Hiroto Kiyama, Kazemaru Ichirouta, Kabeyama Heigorou, Handa Shinichi, Matsuno Kuusuke, Raimon Natsumi, Otonashi Haruna, Megane Kakeru, and Kino Aki." Daisuke then looked up. "We leave tonight at 8, if that's all good with you."

"Fine by me," Hiroto stated, his gaze and voice intense.

"...Didn't think I would be going honestly." Handa scratched the back of his head, sheepishly.

"Tonight?" Max said to himself, unsure.

Bia pointed to herself. "Hey, what about me?"

"I-I-I'm not sure my parents would let me go on this mission," Kabeyama voice trembled.

"No worries, they won't know." Daisuke grinned, cheekily. "The mission will be disguised as a training and study camp. With your school closed down and exams coming, it shouldn't be hard to pull off."

"You don't have enough players to form a team," Shadow snapped. "How come we don't have a part in this little adventure?"

"The other half of the team's already gathered," Daisuke said with no room to argue. "You and the others staying behind will have tasks to fullfill in the town amd safer zones."

It didn't matter whatever reason Daisuke gave, none of it pleased Shadow. At least that what was speculated from his expression as he fell back to silence. His voice forgotten to have been heard after less then a minute.

"Just pack a few clothing, the rest will be provided for." Daisuke instructed. "We meet back here in 2 hours. We can't allow ourself the privilege of more time then that."

Nodding to his words, and chattering with a mix of nervousness and hints excitement they didn't pass their lips, the group left the bus. All but one did.

Daisuke could only smile sympathically to Gouenji. He sat still, his eyes down. He wasn't it shock, after past incidents it was hard to reach that state to most danger. That was what he dreaded, he didn't want to bond with danger, and certainly didn't want his family to meet more of it then they had to.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to. They already put you through the wringer before." Daisuke encouraged. "Nobody would chastise if you chose to remain with you family in protection."

"They'll be safer if i'm on the move." His black eyes flickered up like a burst of fire. "I'm coming."

Daisuke nodded. "I'll walk you home."

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