Chapter 16 ⚽️ Double Trouble

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Kazemaru wrongfully assumed he would be allowed rest. After a day of self training, a physical evaluation pushing further without a warm up, and class with Sawal before he could eat half of his cold meal, sleep seemed like an easy feat.

While Gouenji somehow mustered enough energy for a late shower, Kazemaru slept to the sound as if it was suppose to be a lullaby.

It was a very long time ago that his sleep was met with darkness and silence. He'd follow the same steps everyday of it meant peace, If only it did.

A spark of light fell into his sight from nowhere and he jumped awake with a gasp. He sat on an empty beach of white sand, shiny shells, green sight at every angle, and surrounded by clear water.

His heart beat hard against his chest and he didn't dare be loud. "W-where am I?" His voice echoed, startling him.

Suddenly, another light came like the sun would. Blinding him, its painfull pull hard to resist like it was a magnet.

"Nolite metuere quae est ecce ante te." A gentle but powerfull voice said and the light finally subsided.

It took Kazemaru a few stinging blinks before he could see the ethereal woman. Her long hair was a glowing lilac, flowing like the sea waves, her warmed beige skin as smooth and sillky as pearls, her pure white sleevless tunic dress seemed made of rose petals.

So real. It didn't seem like a dream when logic should be saying otherwise.

Then the sky rumbled like a feral beast, the woman was gone, and Kazemaru was thrown down on his back. He blinked and the once so clear sky was now occupied by storming cloud as meteors burning to a faint glow of a purple shade came crashing down.

Kazemaru scrambled to his trembling feet and ran directionless, turning from one side to the other in a bid outrun the meteorites. Before he knew it it, he had no turn left, trapped within a circle of smoldering crashings.

His breath simply left him, his body left no energy, his mind left blank. He was unable to register the meteorite crashing right into him.

An inch to death, he shut his eyes tightly when he was thrown into the air by white wind.

There, a pair of cold hands grabbed his cheeks and pulled his face close to theirs. It was the woman. She stared into his frightening gaze as if she coudl see more behind them.

Her last words came in a whisper louder than any of the bombing comets sliding over them by mere inches. "Perficietur autem terminus omne illud!"

Before Kazemaru utter a word of a question, she faded off with the next hint of breeze. He was left falling into chaos.

Everything went dark before he woke up in sweat and out of breath, repeatedly reminding himself that it was just a dream.

"Kazemaru?" It took a few more calls for Kazemaru to finally notice Gouenji right in front of him.

"Are you okay?" Gouenji backed away for the much needed space. "You were yelling and moving a lot."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Kazemaru avoided meeting his gaze, cheeks heated by embarrassment, clutching his covers between his fingers. "It was just a dumb nightmare."

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