Chapter 7 ⚽️ The Winds of Tomorrow

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The ride was quiet and Kazemaru kept his attention to the other side of the window.

Dimmed lamp post highlighted passing houses' fences, some kids ran along the line of cracks on the streets, the moon small but the light bright in the darkened sky.

After two, out of the ordinary, days, he wanted a regular one. Expect a regular day for him, the view would be slower to take as he'd be on foot, walking alongside the wind.

Sebatian's wrinkled fingers tapped on the steering wheel as he waited for the light to turn green. "You've been very quiet. Are you sure you're not hurt, Ichirouta-sama?"

"When are mom and dad coming back?" Kazemaru asked instead. Sebastian pushed on the gas peddle, continuing their way, fast as possibly legal could go.

They turned a corner when Sebastian's answer came. "They have a flight prepared, if I remember correctly, it is for this weekend."

"What?" Kazemaru's eyes widened and tore from the window to his butler. "I thought this was supposed to be one of their longest trips?"

"It was." Sebastian turned the radio down. "Once the news of the earthquake reached them, they immediately booked their plane tickets."

It was a calm soothing growing in his head as Kazemaru settled back, relaxingly. It was a feeling of quick death as he heard the mansion gates. Grating against the pavement as it opened wide.

His body grew heavy and he sunk into his seat. Before he knew it, they were upon the grand mansion. It was big that from any direction do the town taken, no one could ignite it. Eyes were kept out by bushes grown along the tall gates kept polished.

Hidden from eyes was the only part Kazemaru was happy about when locked inside. What he hated the most was walking through the thick oaken door rimmed in gold intricate designs, no wind passed them.

Kazemaru's shoulders stiffened as Sebastian pulled off his coat. Maids and other workers bowed their heads as they headed home or to their chambers, it was a deadly silence left in the air.

Kazemaru hoped his grandfather had retired to his bedroom but the old man never did so unless a doctor forced him in a continuous hassle.

The other hope was that the man focused on his company, but these days he brought the work home. Brought the work to Kazemaru.

Sebastian checked the large grandfather clock standing in the middle of the hall as it struck it bell at 21:00. It resonated down the cold hall.

That was the only song his grandfather sang. The passing hours Kazemaru missed was the chorus.

"Let's not keep the master waiting, now." Sebastian straightened himself, pushinv the door to the dining hall, waving Kazemaru forward.

The clock's song was replaced by shiny fork clinking against plate the shade of pearls. On a long elegant carved table, cloaked in baby blue, rows of chairs lonely, dinner for two was served.

On the end of the table sat Ueno Daichi, unbothered. His hair was greying white, his facial hair trimmed to his chin, wrinkles formed a permanent expression between glare and tranquil.

It was one or the other. No inbetween.

He wiped his mouth with a napkin before he glanced at his grandson. Sebastian closed the door and the sense of prison came over Kazemaru.

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