Chapter 17 ⚽️ Tulips for Rose

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The morning sun broke through the light and parted clouds. By the tip of the boat Kudou stood, gazing out at the land he could make out from afar. It seemed small for now but the closer they sailed, the bigger it went. Sapporo, their first stop.

It was abundantly clear as the day started with a literal bang, bangs to be precise.

The whole ship could hear the stomping, jumping, and cheering from Tsunami, Bia, Endou, and a cheering Toramaru. Trying hard as they might to ignore it all, the unrelenting loudness slipped past every door and under all pillows.

"Pipe the fuck down!" Fudou barked, harshly. "It's not even fucking 8 yet!" Fudou gritted, covering his ears as the sound similar to cymbals came crashing in. "What the fu-"

"Fudou..." Fubuki rolled the side with a little yawn. "You're being a bit too loud."

Nobody could even attempt ignoring the sound of slamming pans to Bia's energetic voice as she marched around. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

The tendon's on Fudou's forehead snapped. "How the hell are you going back to sleep with all this fuckery going aro-"

Tsunami burst into the room. "Wake up, get up, head up!" Before Fudou could throw his pillow at him, the pink haired player was off, intruding the next unfortunate rooms. "We've made it to Sapporro, guys! You gotta see it!"

Endou was leaning forward on the railing despite Natsumi's many constant warnings, smiling broadly as the other gathered beside and behind. A minute to take in the coming view.

Stretching his arms, Lazemary greeted him from the side. "With you guys here we might not need alarm clocks at all."

"We're finally here!" Endou gushed. "We're going to meet new players! We could play a little, right? Right? Oh, I'm burning with excitement!"

"Evidently." Natsumi sighed although amused. "And as usual."

"This is so cool!" Bia was the next to gush, clacking the pans like a clapping seal waiting for a treat. "I'm going to give it my all on the field a-"

Tobitaka's sudden appearance in front of her, caught her off guard. He snatched the pans away and high, then glared down at her innocent smile. "These. Are. Not. Instruments."

Coach Kira was the last to join on deck, clearing her throat. "As much as it was...helpful...I'd like to remind the unauthorised alarms that there's a reason we have speakers installed. Do I make myself clear?"

Endou, Tsunami, Bia, and Toramaru nodded with sheepish smiles.

Sawal crossed her arms and scolded. "You'd think there was a fire."

Kudou finally turned from the sight ahead and to all aboard. "Breakfast will be on the road, get ready, we're heading to La Tulip the moment we reach the docks."

"Yes, coach!" The group hurried down to their rooms and returned in their newly styled uniforms and a backpack for whatever personal need.

Kira explained that although it would be near impossible going through the mission withouth any recognition of any sorts, full blown attention was just as much an enemy from this moment onward.

"What about the detective?" Endou asked. "Isn't he out there looking for us?"

"I guess he'd file this under kidnapping." Haruna added as she just realised.

Kira answered. "Detective Gengorou can't make his current search public, it would go against his very intentions regarding all of your safety. As far as the rest of the world is considered, this is nothing but a mere study trip."

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