Chapter 2 ⚽️ What The Future Holds Dear

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The rain held up but it effects left the field in no state for a game, no less a walk.

Haruna read a weather report on her phone. "It says it's going to get dark very soon." She glanced up. "...darker than this?" Darker than the usual middle of November, darker than many coming winters.

Someoka raised a stern brow against the hint of a rumble. "As if a little storm is going to stop me." Someoka was off to the riverbank with a wave despite Aki's protest.

"Hibiki-kantoku made an effort to check up on us, how about we check on him?" Endou suggested. "I'm starting to forget the taste of Rairaiken."

"Yeah!" Kabeyama joined in joy. His mouth watered just at the mere thought of a filing stomach.

A minor smile tugged at Gouenji lips as he stood next the two. Kidou crossed his arms by the door. "An hour doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Ah, why do I even bother." Aki sighed. "Just don't stay out very late. You have a lot of studying to catch up work as well, Endou-kun." She only left when he promised he'd follow the set routine and send proof to her tonight.

"Kazemaru?" Endou turned the speedster. "You coming, right?"

"Of course."

Endou sprinted out like a child would at the notice of an ice cream truck, looping his arm around Kazemaru's for the walk. "Let's go then!"

It had been a while since they visited Rairaken. The last time they paid a proper visit to Hibiki Seigou's humble noodle shop was during a open buffet in celebration to Kabeyama's 17th birthday.

It had to be restocked from the bottom shelf to the top. It was a goal Hibiki never thought he'd reach but after meeting the young team he stopped wondering about the impossible. He worried about the possible.

Minutes from their destination, a question came out do the blue from Endou amidst discussion morning's training session. "Say, what are your guys' plans for the future? I'm going to be a professional soccer player."

Kidou kept his view ahead. "Well, who knows, I'm still reading through all of my scholarships options."

"How about you Kazemaru?" Endou asked. "Now that I think about, I've never heard you talk about your plans?"

"Oh, um..." He ran his finger over his hair, pushing one of the sides behind his ear. "I'm just looking through different universities...just the usual." He smiled, ready to jump the topic off him. "What about you, Gouenji?"

"Me? I'm playing pro and I'm going to be a coach." Gouenji stated it as if it was set in stone. His fate sealed.

"Really?" A chuckle involuntarily escaped Kazemaru.

Gounji raised a blonde brow.

"Nothing, I just didn't expect that..." Kazmearu explained. "...but I should've. You've been like a coach to the team since you joined. Even to those little kids by the water bank, you're already to them and us."

Gouenji smirked.

"But sometimes you can be very
scary." Kabeyama said.

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