Chapter 20 ⚽️ A Toast To All Weirdos

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Fudou was hardly ever taken by surprise. The mess left behind in the locker room from an everyday practice only had him scoff as the players snickered on their way out. The previously well-kept room looked as though a tornado had ran through the lockers of 5 teams.

Fudou didn't waste time on complaints, besides the one seething harsh curse under his breath, and got to work.

By the time he was satisfied with the job, the evening had taken over the day. The lights of the building started dimming, warning all presence still within of their limited time.

Fudou was on his way out, craning his neck from one side to the other when he stopped at the notice of a figure in front of a large glass and golden display case holding trophies and medals behind shiny framed photographs.

"My sincere apologies," Eadmund started, his eyes still on the glass case. "Seems like Yoshiya is making things quite hard for you and your team."

Fudou scoffed. "Yeah, he's quite the asshole."

Eadmund chuckled as Fudou came beside him with a quick glance over the case. No surprise, but full blown annoyance, that most awards came from the soccer team's lead by Yoshiya but what had him frown the slightest was that each one also had Eadmund in the frame and holding every reward.

"You a part-time coach or something?" Fudou inquired.

"Oh, no, as much as I adore the game, I was never a big part in any of it. Yoshiya simply insists on me taking part of it all. Humble boy... on rare occasions."

Fudou looked the display up and down again. "I'm surprised he doesn't hog up the glory for himself when he gloats like he does."

"Although he has his bad days, Yoshiya is a good kid." Eadmund said with a warm smile. "He means well and wants only the best for the school."

Fudou didn't know if the darkness hid his questionable frown or if Eadmund disregarded it due to his adamant belief in his own statement.

"One could say he was a little bit like you, Fudou-kun."

"Excuse me?" No insult ever hit him like that before. "Me and that ass are the furthest thing apart in existence."

"When he was first brought here he wasn't the captain of the team. He wasn't even on the team. He didn't take a single class, broke curfews, went out days and nights. The only thing he did 'good' with was my old beat up soccer ball I caught him playing around with in my office when he was sent over to me once. It was quite the sight when I came in, almost broke a window."

Fudou couldn't interrupt. He found it strange how glimpses of his past fit nicely with what Eadmund described of Yoshiya. It left a disgusted taste in the back of his mouth no drink could wash down. "Lucky he had privilege on his side."

Eadmund nodded. "He comes from a high class family that never worried where a single dime went towards. His behavior swept under the rug due to his class and the privileges it brought."

Fudou turned to the man and this time looked him up and down. "You're a weird one."

Eadmund chuckled again. "Is that so?"

"Most of the highest class can't even spell out 'privilege'"

The hall filled up with Eadmund loud laughter. "I'll make sure to add it in our next spelling contest."

"If you're so aware, why let Yoshiya act out? Last I checked you let him off easy. You say one thing but in the end, you and your pals all make excuses for each other."

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