Chapter 18 ⚽️ The View

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Kira turned to Eadmund, crossing her arms. "Is there no other way?"

"I don't think so-" Eadmund thought about it for a moment. "There is one...but it would be just even harder to get."

"What is it?" Endou demanded, excitement returning to his round and big eyes. "I'm sure we can do it! We're not leaving until we get that match and the map piece."

"Pay for a match."

"Pay?" Endou didn't think he heard it right at firs until Eadmund nodded, no humour to be found anywhere on as his face. "Pay to play soccer? That's just crazy!"

Kudou cut to the chase. "How much?"

"586905 yen or 5000 euros."

The team stood in gaping shock and utter surprise, the number repeating in their heads.

Endou attempted a repeat of the cost but remembering beyond the first digit brought dizziness into his head.

"That's..." Toramaru gasped. "...The average admission fee of a university for a year! All that for one match?"

Eadmund sighed and a sad sort of smile pulled up on his worn face. "Yoshiya has never played a match withouth a fee, although friendly matches are allowed, he rejects every one that comes by."

"That's just biased!" Tsunami yelled. "They care more about their stupid system than the world?"

Eadmund nodded, solemnly. "It is wrong, I suspect, like most of the students here, it has much to do with his upbringing. However, his parents aren't just well off, they occupy high positions within soccer organisations."

"That's just....foul!" Endou huffed "They're making the game a business! Fine, we'll annoy, follow, and insist they play us. Until they agree we won't leave them alone for a second!"

"That's right up my alley!" Tsunami said, pumped up.

"Sounds fun!" Bia caught her fist in her palm with a cheeky grin.

Eadmund faltered. "I dont oppose the...eccentric idea, but you should keep in mind that my father also set up a time limit for the challenge to be accepted. You have 12 hours." He glanced at his golden wristwatch. "That will give you till midnight."

Endou squeezed the sides of his forehead hard. "What's with all these rules!" He didn't know how many more added concepts to a simple game he could take in.

"We'll see how much we can spare." Kira said. "Daisuke-san said you have some other information available."

"Ah, my father's documents!" Eadmund nodded, gladly. "Now that, I can do you. I'll take you to them."

Kira turned to Kidou as Kudou followed the old man back to the main building. "Find Fudou with another or two and stay by the caravan with the rest."

Kidou's nod was firm. "Yes, coach."

While the team ranted on the situation, Kidou formed a little search party consisting of Sakuma, Genda, and Kazemaru. Further on the way, they split off into two.

It would've been quicker to find Fudou had the whole team joined in, but they had enough attention on them as it was. They needed to get a move on it as much as possible.

After searching with Kazemaru for half an hour with no luck, they neared the training grounds. Kidou stared up at the grand silver facility, a mix of a stadium and a mansion came to mind.

"Kazemaru," he asked withouth taking his thoughtful gaze off the building. "Check the trees, I know he's lazing on one or the other, try the ones away from the public eye. I need to do something else first."

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