Breaking the Rock

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By- ArcaneHiddenMagic

Summary: Kevin answers Edd when asked a question, but Kevin's friends push him to tell the truth. Kevin didn't know that everything had been going wrong in Edd's life for the past few days. He didn't know that telling him that he lied would be the final brick through Edd's window, the straw that broke the camel's back.

(A/N:Originally called "Even the Most Steadfast Rock Will Break Under the Right Condition" but I decided to shorten it)
Kevin shut the door gently behind him, resting his forehead against it. Edd probably thought he hadn't heard either the whisper or what followed. He pulled his sleeve over his hand, swiping at the tears. That wasn't how this was supposed to go. Nathan and Nazz had overheard Eddward's question and after hearing his answer and knowing he wasn't being honest, they had pushed and prodded him into telling Edd the truth a few days later. He hadn't known that almost everything had started going wrong for Edd. He hadn't known that the love of his life could hide his emotions that well when he felt the need. He hadn't known.

And so he made a mistake.

He stood in front of Eddward's door, gathering his courage. Taking one more deep breath, he raised his fist and knocked. He frowned, eyeing his watch. Edd shouldn't be taking a shower, so why was he taking so long? He looked back to the door, knocking again, louder.

"Edd? Edd, I need to talk to you." Kevin called, eyes moving over the door like he could see his boyfriend behind the wood. A few seconds later the door swung open, a confused swimmer behind it.

"Is something the matter, Pumpkin?" Kevin leaned forward, eyes squinting as he took in Edd's face.

"Are you okay?" Edd stiffened, eyes darting away for a moment.

"I am well, Pumpkin. If that is all..." He started to close the door and Kevin put his hand against it.

"That isn't all. I have something to tell you." Edd sighed, stepping back to let Kevin in. After he kicked off his shoes and followed Edd to the living room, he sighed and rubbed his hands against his khakis. "Alright, well... Do you remember what you asked me a few days ago?" Confusion clouded Eddward's features. He hadn't taken a seat like Kevin had, indicating he wanted this over with.

"Indeed. Why are you questioning this?"

"Because my answer wasn't the entire truth." Edd twitched, eyeing Kevin warily before sighing.

"Well, what is done is done. Is that all?"

"Why do you want me gone? What are you hiding?"

"Nothing, Pumpkin. I merely have a slew of homework to get done along with chores."

"You don't get like this because of that. Can I at least tell you the full truth before you kick me out?"

"I hardly think now is a good time, Kevin. Perhaps tomorrow."

"If I wait I won't be able to do it. Please, Edd. It won't take long." Edd stared at him, silent before sighing quietly in defeat.

"If it will not take long, then I suppose you may as well." Kevin smiled, patting the seat next to him. Eddward sighed again, moving to take the offered seat.

"You asked why I agreed to go out with you, and I told you it was because you looked genuine, right?"


"Well, I wasn't lying." Edd laughed quietly. "But... I also said yes because I was scared." That stopped his laugh and Eddward winced. "You terrified me just by being in the same room. And then you approached me one day, just you, Jimmy and Jonny nowhere to be seen. And you stopped me from running, but not violently. You sounded so nervous, you know? I couldn't help but listen. And I'm glad I did. I told you I hoped I enjoyed the date. But..."

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