Saturday Picnics

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By- Serronas

Summary: He knew exactly where to go, they went to the same spot every Saturday afternoon. Except this Saturday was different from the rest, it would be their last Saturday picnic for a long time - Kevin's plane left in a few days.

Warning: Prepare feels ;¬;
Kevin walked across the grass with his eyes turned down, looking at the picnic basket in his hand. He knew exactly where to go, they went to the same spot every Saturday afternoon. Except this Saturday was different from the rest, it would be their last Saturday picnic for a long time - Kevin's plane left in a few days. He was off to Carnegie on a Robotics scholarship he was surprised that he had been given.

But he knew he had to do this, pretend nothing was wrong when he felt his whole world breaking inside. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to say goodbye but his whole world could no longer revolve around one person. Not anymore...he knew that.

He reached the spot, right beside a little tree that gave just enough shade this time of day every Saturday to allow for a rather pleasant outing. Sure, they weren't always pleasant and it usually ended up with him getting angry, but regardless...

He was waiting, Kevin knew it.

Slowly the teen reached into the basket and pulled out a blanket (freshly washed because He just wouldn't have it any other way), and laid it out, flopping down onto the fabric and pulling the basket to his side. He felt the other settle down beside him, that sudden feeling of sullen darkness and patience. Patience only for Kevin. He tried.

He couldn't look up though.

"I leave on Tuesday." Kevin admitted with a morose tone, leaning back on his hands but curling his knees up. "I got a place all picked out, I wouldn't have been able to afford it if not for you, jerk. I didn't want your money." His voice cracked some.

His voice was a soft chuckle as light as the wind. He knew Kevin didn't want it, but it was all that could be offered in their separation.

"You know, I really should hate you. You were always a jerk to me, since the day we met! You remember right? We were kids, my mom invited you over to swim and you made fun of my shirt until I cried."

Edd laughed, "It really was a stupid shirt."

"And it only got worse once we got into High School. God... You kept me underfoot all the time. Mocked me in front of everyone, made me hate myself. And that nickname, I always hated it! It was one time... Halloween during our Freshman Year, you and Eddy rigged that bucket of pumpkin guts to fall on my head. You made me cry you know. High School was hard enough without you torturing me at every turn."

He was silent, unsure of how to respond. 'Sorry' didn't seem good enough anymore.

Kevin just continued on, ignoring the other's discomfort, "Between the physical and sexual bullying, you made my life a living hell!"

"You got me back though..." Edd remarked coolly.

Kevin smirked, "I made you realize, you don't mess with a robotics whiz. Remember when I rigged up the electronics at school and made you paranoid that all the machines were out to get you?" He laughed bitterly, "The great Eddward Vincent ran out of the computer lab screaming about ghosts in the machine."

"It was quite an impressive trick." The other complimented.

"Everything changed though, didn't it?" He sighed, "You found me getting beat up behind the cafeteria, I'd never seen you look scared before. Or mad. Hell, for all that everyone called you a bully, I'd never once seen you hit someone until that day."

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