Robotics 101

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By- Asphyxion

Summary: (none, I guess it's a non-fluff one-shot... :\ )

No, please - anything but this period, god, anything but study hall. Curse the foundations of the educational system that allotted a period of classroom time to sit with your peers and do nothing of actual importance for an hour or so. Kevin tugged his bag securely to him and, despite his best efforts to mentally prepare, pushed past the door and stepped into the classroom. All mental prep fell to the wayside when he noticed that, across the room, Eddward sat, Jimmy beside him. Kevin made it a chore to avert his gaze - don't look at him.

Agitated eyes searched for an open spot as far from the shark-isque boy as possible, only finding a few open seats but nothing as far from Edd as he would have liked. He could feel the male's darkened gaze at his back, accompanying a sense of urgency in Kevin as he moved toward the farthest empty seat possible.

"Sorry that I'm not sorry, rags." Jimmy gave a feigned look of apology as he knocked his hip into Kevin's, throwing him off balance and away from the now occupied seat. The look was quickly replaced by a sneer, jimmy's hand setting on his chin then, elbow on top the desk.

The rest of the class was quiet, their usual bustle and commotion dying down at the sudden movement of the three near the back of the room. Hanging their heads and choosing to ignore what was happening, they became still and reserved as if actually doing homework meant they didn't have to acknowledge the world around them.

Eddward broke the silence with a loud, heavy drop of his shoes atop the desk, his legs crossing at his ankles. His head tipped down, eyes following Kevin's movements analytically. Are you going to take the bait, minnow?

The now empty chair beside Edd did nothing but taunt Kevin. He'd prefer to stand, thank you- "Ah!"- A shove nudged Kevin toward Edd, though from who he was unclear as he stumbled forward and managed to save himself from what would have been a rather pitiful fall. Narrowing gaze fixated on the empty chair from behind crooked glasses, the boy doing his best to juggle holding his books, securing his bag, and keeping his glasses from falling off his face - they were a tad too big and always seemed to slide down the bridge of his nose.

Edd said nothing as Kevin reluctantly took up the seat beside him, and god, he didn't have to. Kevin's level of discomfort was almost suffocating enough as it was - please don't talk to me. Please don't look at me, just...hurry up, hour. Kevin set his bag on the desk, reaching inside to pull out a small red notebook - his journal. What possessed Kevin to take out such a thing in the presence of the school's most notorious and feared individual would never come to light, as he hadn't even stopped to think of it himself. It was comfort in an uncomfortable situation and did calm some of his nerves. Some.

The entire room was continuously quiet, as if waiting. Kevin felt the heaviness of the atmosphere stiffen when Edd removed his feet and sat up a bit in his chair. Kevin tensed along with the others. Nothing. That's when it struck Kevin.

"You're... enjoying this, aren't you?"- He hissed lowly, disgusted.

"Your analytical senses are a little faster, today." Edd gave a haunting smile and laughed to himself, hands deep in the pockets of his jacket.

Shoulders slumped all around the room, breaths that had been held let out simultaneously, everyone going back to their business and usual bustle.

Kevin's notebook opened once more, his pen scribbling away the frustration that had flared up inside him. His shoulder set high in attempt to keep Edd's eyes away from the contents of his journal, his head resting in his hand at the same time.


Kevin turned his head slightly. "Excuse me?" He questioned, brows furrowing.

"That type of actuation won't set right with any pneumatic power source attempt you try." Edd's arms folded over his chest matter-of-factly, right over his tags.

"What do you mean it wo-" Kevin was interrupted by a growl of annoyance. Edd hated to repeat himself. Kevin flinched.

"Compressed gas as a power source is far too complex for the standard electric-wheeled actuators you're scribbling about." He was still grinning. "Your hypothesis doesn't add up, dork."

"...!" Kevin's cheeks darkened with embarrassment. He shut his journal and shoved it back into the bag so fast it was a wonder he didn't break something in the process. Pleading eyes glanced at the clock...had it really only been twenty minutes. My god I'm going to die.

Eddward waited.

Kevin noticed, tense once more.

Still, he waited.

Kevin fiddled with the strap on his bag and let out a slow, defeated sigh. "...Okay, then...why...won't it work."

Edd laughed and sat forward, grabbing a pen and reaching into Kevin's bag for his journal.

"H-Hey!" Kevin had half the notion to grab the other's wrist but stopped himself when Edd flipped to a blank page and began drawing out an explanation.

Thirty minutes flew by, Kevin immersed in the wonders of robotics and, for a moment, forgot who it was he was learning from. Though to say he was content or comfortable would be pushing it, he was no where near relaxed.

The bell rang and, at the same time, Kevin sprang from the chair and grabbed the red notebook, despite Eddward still drawing diagrams in it. He stared at the other for a moment before tucking the notebook away and hurrying out of the class.

Edd sported his usual leer and stood as well, looking toward Jimmy.

Jimmy shook his head. "Is he really as dumb as he dresses?" He asked as he stepped up beside his friend as Kevin bolted from the room.

"Yup, but it's endearing, isn't it?" Double Dee tilted his head as he, too, watched Kevin take off.

"...Yeah, sure, whatever. I'm famished let's go eat."

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