The Absence of Fear

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By- Edelitz

Summary: Peace was a relative concept. Where the moon brought quiet silver tidings and soft light as not to disrupt those warm in their beds, there were those who's minds were at a perpetual unrest. Eddward was among those.

Warning: Suggested gore
The sun had long since set on the quiet little town of Peach Creek, the street lights offering their glow to those who might still be wandering about while the rest of the world seemed happily enveloped in soft linens. The sky was crystal clear with a broad view of the stars above and the air was crisp and cool while fall leaves rattled within the trees before drifting down like a prequel to the winter snowfall. The world was long at peace.

Yet peace was a relative concept. Where the moon brought quiet silver tidings and soft light as not to disrupt those warm in their beds, there were those who's minds were at a perpetual unrest.

Eddward was among those.

He should have been in bed over four hours ago and yet he had awoken in a cold sweat from vivid nightmares of what the following day might bring. Thoughts of needles and blood, fear of how his reaction would affect how others viewed him. He was not one who needed the affirmation of those around him however he was a bully and he enjoyed the liberties that brought forth and yet if they were to know...

The front door of his house opened with a quiet creak and closed behind him with a soft click. The fresh air would do him a world of good and what the pleasant night did not cure then surely the pack in his hand would. The swimmer quietly made his way over to the chair on the porch and settled down into it before taking a long, deep breath to quell the discomfort in his stomach.

As he had suspected his mind began to clear but the buzzing anxiety in his body persisted with an annoying discomfort. He was cold and it had nothing to do with the night air, and he was fully dressed in his jacket and jeans, there was no reason for the cold. Yet still his heart raced and even without the physical stimulation to create it his fight or flight reflexes were running wild. He could literally feel his blood pressure spiking and dropping and if it kept up he would be held in a full blown anxiety attack within minutes.

He already felt the cold emptiness of fear in his stomach.

Hands grappled for the plastic pack in his lap and he tapped the carton on the heel of his palm before he popped it open and pulled out a fresh cigarette. It was a terrible habit and one that he was not proud to indulge in, and yet he allowed himself this one awful vice because he had convinced himself that there were so many worse ones out there.

A lighter was extracted from his jeans pocket with shaking hands and fumbled with it for a moment as he struggled to get it to light. Finally there was a familiar snick before a little golden flame stood before him. He held it to the end of the cigarette and took a deep, grateful drag. The smoke filled his lungs and the tip lit up cherry red and for a brief moment the whole world seemed to slow down. Nicotine entered his veins to combat the oncoming anxiety attack and after a few more long draws the drug won over and left Eddward finally able to relax into his chair.

"I didn't know you smoke..."

Eddward nearly jumped at the unexpected voice. His eyes flew open and landed on a figure who stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to his porch. The moonlight cast soft silver lines on Kevin's frame, keeping him both hidden and visible at the same time. Eddward could tell he was missing his usual Quiz Bowl hat and argyle sweater, instead draped in a loose fitting wife beater and sweat pants.

The swimmer tucked the filter of the cigarette into the gap in his teeth as he found it quite convenient for smoking, "I was not aware that you had taken up stalking, Pumpkin." Edd hissed in a low voice.

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