12 Minutes in Heaven

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By- IraWolph

Summary: A Saturday night the first weekend of summer vacation and all the popular kids and some geeks were there, most of them came willingly. Kevin was the one that was forced to go because of him.

(A/N: There is a part two to this and I've tried to find it but apparently it doesn't exist for me. So I'd really appreciate it if someone could send me a link to the second one. Please and thank you!)

               ~Flash back~
Kevin was slammed against locker room in the empty halls of Peach Creek High, Kevin looked up with gritted teeth and one eye at his pusher, Edd Vincent, his bully since he started walking, Edd was a year older than Kevin, taller, stronger, smarter and insane when pissed off properly. "Hey Pumpkin" Edd purred, his hand keeping Kevin pinned to his own locker, Edd bent over so they were eye to eye, blue meets green. Edd liked looking at his victims in the eye but since Kevin's geeky glasses were on he wasn't looking directly at them. Edd's everlasting smirk never left his moist lips. Using his free hand he took off Kevin's glasses and placed them on his beanie, Kevin was squinting to see Edd but he couldn't not without his glasses, Edd snickered. "Oh I forgot you're blind without your glasses, Pumpkin."

"What do you want Edd?" Kevin said coldly as he lowered his gaze to Edd's pocket where he normally keeps his knife. Kevin tried to remain calm but the thought of dying kept punching his gut. His head was lifted up and he saw faint blue and black, no doubt he was looking at Edd in the eyes kinda and the black was his beanie. Edd removed the glasses from his head and placed them back on Kevin. When Kevin's vision was cleared he saw Edd still smiling down at him.

"Now to answer your question Pumpkin, My friend here is throwing a geek party. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

Kevin shook his head.

"I'm inviting you to go as my date this Saturday" Johnny looked at Kevin was his stare of daggers as was plank and Jimmy was leaning against the lockers on the other side, arms crossed, eyes closed, and head down. Kevin looked back up to Edd.

"I would have to decline, I have plans Saturday. It's too late to change. Pick another nerd." Kevin spoke.

"Oh Pumpkin, let me rephrase that" Edd said coolly then punched the locker by Kevin's head, his knuckles were unharmed, unlike the bent locker, Kevin suddenly remembered why he feared Eddward Vincent so much, he was incredibly insane and strong,

"So see you there?" Edd asked with a cocky grin. Kevin was unable to speak so he nodded his head rapidly.  "That's a good Pumpkin. Don't forget Saturday at 8. Don't be a minute late" Edd said backing away, Johnny and Jimmy were already walking, Edd was going back wards so he could still look at the frighten red head geek. Edd gave him a wink, turned on his heel, stuffing his hands in his jacket pocket and walked normal with his two groupie friends. Kevin fell to his knees, a label on his shoulder where Edd's hand had been the whole time.
                ~Flashback over~

So here Kevin was, sitting on the couch with half drunken teens from his school holding a bottle water he brought with him.  "Oh Hey Pumpkin, glad you made it to the party, enjoying your stay?" Eddward came out of nowhere whispering in Kevin's ear, the boy flushed as he jumped knocking into a jock by him, The jock was ready to punch Kevin who was cowarding in fear but the jock saw Edd and quickly left. Kevin lifted his head to see that Edd was now in the spot of the jock, Edd had his arm over the couch were Kevin was the other on his own thigh, He looked at Kevin who lowered his head in fear.

"YO!!! TIME FOR 14 MINUTES in HEAVEN!" Shouted Johnny. Edd smirked and looked at Kevin 

who was the only one not getting up.

"Come on Pumpkin, let's play, You might get lucky" Edd picked Kevin's smaller body with one arm and walked in to the area where the game was played. Each player put their own name on a piece of paper and Jimmy would pick a sucker to go with the one on the paper, that's a new way to play, people went and never came back, some did and others stayed to play again.

"I choose Kevin the geek and~" Jimmy took out a familiar hand written name, "Edd Vincent"

"What!? that's not right, we're both guys! Choose again." Kevin screamed, he was gay but he feared Edd too much to ever be alone with him in a room specially for 12 minutes.

"Nope. Everyone else followed the rules, it's him or everyone at this party." Jimmy grinned.

"Uh" Kevin was actually thinking about this. Edd had an annoyed look on his face, his beanie covered his eyes as his head lowered.

'Does he hate me that much?' Edd thought to himself. Without a word Kevin was dragged by his sweater by Edd, Edd went to a vacant room, closed and locked the door behind him. Kevin was freed and standing, shaking but standing in the middle of the room. The music downstairs were muffled by the door.

"D-don't hurt me" Kevin begged, closing his eyes tightly, tears threaten to fall. he was surprised to feel arms around his waist and a chin on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and saw Edd was hugging him, gently at that. The closeness and Edd's breath on his neck caused Kevin's freckled face to turn red

"I won't force you into anything you don't want to do Pumpkin but I want to ask a favor." Edd whispered in his ear seductively

"W-what is it?"

"Don't freak..." Edd said looking the red head in his emerald eyes. Kevin was confused, his eye brows arched ready to speak, Edd took moment to open mouth kiss Kevin on his lips. Kevin was still for a moment, his eyes widen staring at Edd's half opened eyes. Edd pulled away from Kevin and looked at him, waiting for his next move.

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