A Fight

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By- Luckie

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Edd was, by no stretch of the imagination, a pacifist. He contemplated what it was about a fight that got him going for a while. The exhilaration of it, the fast pace, the pain? Every part of a fight made it what it was. Edd could not imagine his life without this release.

Kevin could. Kevin wasn't sure what to feel when he saw Edd with a bruise that had turned into a welt on his stomach. "Ain't it neat?" Edd smirked, proud. Kevin was mortified. He couldn't understand. That day Kevin asked Edd not to do that again. Edd was unable to give Kevin an answer.


Pavement was hard on Edd's back. He rolled right on and sprung up, prepared for the next move. He ducked below a swing and landed a twisting uppercut with his right hand into Plank's jaw. Plank laughed, already swinging his leg into a roundhouse kick to Edd's rib cage. Edd prepped for the blow, taking most of it into his palm. Plank was good, his weakness rested in his wide swings, allowing for his opponent to see what was coming long before any connection was made. His strength was his ability to throw, Edd ended up on the ground quite often.

Edd was fast, he had no swing to his hits, he was what was called a 'head hunter' his most successful connections were to the head of his opponents. His speed reduced his strength, his hits could be taking and rolled out of, as where, one good hit from Plank and the fight could be over.

Plank was bleeding from his nose. His jaw clicked when opened to far. Edd was cradling his middle, his eyes swimming, only seeing Plank. They breathed heavy, pacing around the other while collecting themselves, wondering who would hit next. They had smiles on there faces. A fight wasn't like a swim, it could never be like a football match. It was raw, it escalated, there were no points, no winner, it was unexplainable to the unexperienced.

Edd moved swiftly into a side kick, connecting with Plank's chest. He grabbed Edd's leg and twisted him off of his other foot. Edd braced and landed on his hands, throwing himself into a somersault further away from Plank. He crashed right into someone, who caught him, arms under Edd's arm pits.

Plank whisted. "I'm out, have fun in the dog house tonight Double-D" and he was gone. Edd froze, the freckled arms holding him up now unmistakable. Kevin dropped Edd right on his ass.

"What are you doing?" Kevin spoke calmly, in a way Edd knew was not calm underneath at all. Edd scrambled to his feet, finding the bruises of the fight hurt much more now that the adrenaline was gone. Edd winced as he stood and began to hold his middle. Kevin winced as though he were in pain just to see Edd hurt. Edd let go of himself, he put effort into looking as though he were not hurt.

"I ..." Edd was at a loss for words, his usual confident demeanor fizzled to reveal his insecurities about loosing Kevin's trust and admiration. He was an Edd only Kevin would ever see at this moment. He took Kevin's face in both of his hands. "I'm not sorry." He stated bluntly. Kevin began to protest, Edd placed his thumb over Kevin's mouth.

"This, physical altercation makes me feel the world in ways nothing else ever can. The pain filled adrenaline rush makes everything fly in ways that it does not in normal life. The altered state of mind and physical sensation is incomparable." Edd struggled, watching Kevin not understand, anger ever present in his eyes. "This type of interaction is just as important as you are, I can not have only one and sustain happiness." Edd removed his hands from Kevin's face and stepped back a few paces. He dropped his eyes to the ground.

"Ride with me." Kevin remained calm. He removed his Quiz Bowl hat as he walked around the block. A green street bike was parked, kickstand out, right on the corner. Kevin lifted the seat and shoved his hat into the compartment, he removed the spare helmet and handed it wordlessly to Edd. Edd took it in both hands, making no action to put it on. Kevin put his helmet on, securing the straps, he looped his leg over the bike and flicked the kickstand up. "Get. On." Kevin said once, slow, controlled, but clearly taking control of the situation. Edd fumbled with the helmet, he secured it on. He tried not to touch Kevin as he got on the back of the bike. That didn't last long. Kevin revved the machine before Edd was completely secure, Edd grasped for his life onto Kevin.

Kevin smirked to himself, he took off from the curb, gliding over the city streets seamlessly. Wind pelted at his shoulders, slipping up his neck and behind him. His helmet fogged lightly with each breath, with each rev of the throttle, the arms around his middle became tighter.

Kevin twisted needlessly at the throttle, the engined purred beneath him. "KevIN!" Edd was shouting, but Kevin could hardly hear him. In twenty short minutes Kevin was rolling into his own driveway. Once the bike's engine was cut, Edd threw himself off the bike, scratching at his helmet ties to remove it. Kevin removed his own helmet without a problem, placing it on the handlebar while kicking the stand out. He reached to Edd, unclipping the securities and Edd whipped the helmet off of his head and to the grassy ground as he grabbed Kevin's face, pressing their lips together.

Kevin struggled against him. Edd didn't stop, he calmed himself, he brought his elbows down, lightened his grasp, his lips moved over Kevin's, coaxing a more relaxed reaction. Kevin brought his hands to Edd's waist, kissing him back, slowly.

"Ah" Edd gasped in pain, moving his mouth away from Kevin's. Kevin moved away from Edd, he took him only by the hand.

"I've got bandaids for that" Kevin lead Edd to the bathroom in his house. Edd sat on the covered toilet, his shirt discarded to the ground, Kevin examined the bruises. Edd, try as he might, could not hide his fascination with how he had been injured. Kevin lathered each open wound with jelly before covering it. He decided the bruises were not so bad, they required no attention.

"I don't like bike rides." Edd stated after he had been bandaged, Kevin was replacing the supplies to the cabinet. Kevin went and sat on Edd's lap.

"Don't say that, I really enjoy when I can ride with you." Kevin said, honestly meaning it, even if his favorite part was making Edd whimper against him. Edd clicked his mouth and looked away. Kevin brought his arms up, resting them on Edd's shoulders. "We both have our thing we don't appreciate about one another. We both have the things we need in our lives that is not each other. I understand, Double D." Kevin rested his forehead on Edd's, his eyes closed. "I don't mind that you like to spar. But tell me when you get injured ... so I know and I can patch you up after word?" Kevin leaned back and looked into Edd's eyes.

Edd nodded. He brought Kevin back into him, pecking at his lips then down his jaw line. "What ever you say, Pumpkin." he murmured into Kevin's neck.

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