Up All Night

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By- SinfulWhiteAngel

Summary: (none)

(A/N: short but sweet)
Edd was having trouble falling asleep because Kevin kept rolling over and whacking him in the face. He glanced over at the sleeping nerd and put his arm around his waist. Kevin stretched like a cat then relaxed against Edd's bare chest. The raven smirked and kissed Kevin's nose. The ginger boy looked adorable in this state, small body laying on top of the raven's toned chest. Edd rubbed Kevin's back and kissed his shoulder. Kevin shifted slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

"Edd?" The ginger said quietly.

"That's my name, don't wear it out," Edd said playfully.

Kevin smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around Edd's neck.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Kevin asked.

"Watching you sleep is better than sleeping," Edd smirked.

Kevin blushed and snuggled up against Edd.

Edd put his arms around the smaller ginger and kissed his nose.

"Hey pumpkin," Edd said.

Kevin looked up at the raven haired boy.

"Yeah?" Asked the younger boy.

Edd trailed kisses down Kevin's neck and came to his ear.

"I love you," said the raven.

Kevin blushed and smiled before kissing Edd quickly on the lips.

"I-I love you too," The little ginger said.

Edd grinned and kissed back. Both boys fell into a happy sleep, arms wrapped around each other, fingers entwined, and bodies against one another.

Neither wanted to get up that following morning.
Get Dunked.

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