These Stupid Couple Things

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By- ArcaneHiddenMagic

Summary: (none)
"Hey, Edd, we're dating now, right?" The beanie-clad teen looked up, eyebrow arched as blue eyes met green.

"Indeed..." He started, marking his place and slowly closing his book. Kevin's sat on Eddward's coffee table, forgotten as he had watched his boyfriend study. "Why are you questioning this?"

"Because we haven't done anything, you know, couple-y." He crossed his arms on the table, resting his chin on them as he stared imploringly at his boyfriend on the couch. Eddward sat his book down, looking mildly confused.

"Pumpkin, we have done plenty." He paused to think for a moment. "Unless there is something specific you had in mind?" Kevin's expression brightened, a grin spreading on his freckled face.

"A few things, actually."


The mall stood before them, surprisingly busy for it being such a brisk afternoon. Kevin, like always, had forgotten to bundle up correctly and was shivering beside Eddward. The taller teen rolled his eyes and unwound the scarf from his neck, wrapping it around Kevin's instead.

"Honestly, Pumpkin, how do you forget to check the weather forecast every day?" He frowned slightly when he noticed Kevin grinning up at him. "What?"

"This is one of the things I wanted to do. It's a good thing you have long scarves." The athlete's head tilted in confusion at the statement and Kevin used that time to unwind the scarf from his neck and wrap it around both of their necks, resting his forehead against Eddward's afterwards.

"... The height difference between us makes this even more odd than normal." Stated Edd, earning a huff from his boyfriend.

"Don't care, it's cute and it's what couples do."

"What is the point of this, exactly?"

"Hell if I know, but it gives me a reason to have you this close and that's good enough for me." He grinned, poking Eddward's nose and laughing as his nose instinctively scrunched.

"Did you want to come here simply to use one of my scarves in this manner?" Edd asked, eyebrow arching.

"Nah, there's something inside that I haven't done before, but Nazz says it's fun to do with your partner, so that's what we're gonna do." Eddward opened his mouth to ask another question but was tugged along by the hand by his little lover, who was shivering once more from slipping out of the scarf.


The inside of the mall was crowded, much more so than the bustling people outside let on. Kevin gripped Edd's hand a little tighter before weaving through the crowd with one destination in mind, looking over his shoulder occasionally even though he could feel the warmth of his swimmer's hand in his.

Edd had to stop quickly to keep from running into his little dork when they finally broke free of the crowd. Kevin turned and grinned up at him, pointing to a box with a curtain on the side, photos of random people on the side. Eddward's eyes widened slightly in disbelief and he turned to Kevin.

"Why on earth do you want to interact with a photo booth?" Kevin rolled his eyes, tugging on Edd's hand as he started making his way over with a small laugh.

"Like I said, Nazz said it's fun to do."

"This is also the friend of yours that enjoys playing the tuba."

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