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By- angel-of-gryffindor

Summary: (none)

(A/N: I guess that this was never finished?? Idk if it counts as a one-shot but oh well)
Eddward woke to the same sound that had woken him for almost his whole life; silence.

As disturbing as it should have been Edd never tried to allow it to bother him, after all, there was no point in complaining in something that wouldn't change.

Swinging his long, pale legs out of bed he slowly ambled to the bathroom to start another hideous day of school and socialising.

After splashing ice cold water on his face Eddward took a proper look at his reflection; his green eyes were darkened by lack of sleep and eye-liner, the childish gap between his teeth was still prominent and his thick mop of inky black hair sat unevenly around his face and tickled down his neck.

The only things that shone with any kind of sparkled on Eddward's face were his single snakebite lip piecing and looped eyebrow ring, along with his three ear piercings on his left ear and single earring on his right.

Edd's whole being was thin but toned, he had been part of the the school's swimming team since he had been ten so everything was in proportion and lithe.

Sneering at his own reflection Eddward brushed his teeth, applied more liner and stormed back to his room; although everything was labelled, right down the bottom of his draws having a label, his darkened room was fairly untidy with clothes and books strewn everywhere.

Eddward dressed in his usual clothes; tight black jeans with studs and chains, the previous years Download t-shirt, pure silver dogtags from his constant absent parents and black ski hat.

The ski hat often threw people off about Edd's appearance, the rest of his clothes shouted 'goth' or 'punk' that hat was something that had followed him since early childhood from the only holiday he could remember going on with his parents. At the end of the day it was a well disguised comfort blanket.

Breakfast was something the raven never had, not because he didn't have the time but it was the fact that he would have to sit at the dining table alone, staring at the empty spaces where his family were meant to sit.

Instead Eddward grabbed a protein shake from the well stocked fridge and double checked his homework; scruffily written but very accurate the raven teen made sure it looked like he didn't work hard at school.

"Eddward!" someone shouted from outside, from the bottom of the garden.

Sighing deeply Edd swigged his drink before pulling on his fitted leather jacket and steel toe-capped boots; swinging both badge covered messenger bag and swimming bag over his shoulder the raven haired teen finally ventured out into the fresh air.

And fresh it was; it was early January and everything was brisk, most days the wind was biting and the sunshine weak with days becoming dark earlier. Just how Edd liked it.

Johnny and Plank were waiting for him at his garden gate; Johnny's buzz cut was forced upon him by his Sargent father, much like his combat boots and coat.

Plank was in contrast with his spike brown hair and slightly hippy clothes, not to mention his badly drawn on eyebrows since they had been permanently burnt off during an unfortunate fire accident when they had been thirteen.

"morning sleepy-head." Plank teased.

Eddward grunted but said nothing else; in some respects he classed Johnny and Plank as his friends, along with the slightly effeminate Jimmy, but he was cold-shouldered to everyone.

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